View Full Version : Here is a picture of a 21.6 Lb. Salmon

McCarthy Boas
10-18-03, 04:59 PM
That is a King Salmon not a Salmon boa. LOL

This is a picture of me and a 21.6 Lb King Salmon.

Night fishing is a blast. The Salmon are very aggressive at night.

You never know what you will get at night.
This is a 18" Brown Trout.


There are a few more picture on my website.
Thanks for looking.

10-18-03, 05:03 PM
Looks like you had a blast, those are some good sized fish!

10-18-03, 05:11 PM
Holy crap! The biggest Ive ever caught was a 10lb Rainbow trout.

10-18-03, 05:16 PM
Wow what a frikkin huge salmon. Gotta love those scary looking hooked mouths too. Nice catch!


10-18-03, 05:24 PM
awesome pics Tom, that is one hell of a brown!! Didnt have any luck with the browns this year, but pulled out quite a few Salmon.. Looking forward to the Rainbows next month though :P

10-18-03, 05:27 PM
man, I love fishing. I think the largest fish I ever caught was a 40 lbs? baracuda... it was awesome!

10-19-03, 12:13 AM
Looks like you had a good day..... I finally got a pic of my 2 Brown Trout i got last sunday


10-19-03, 07:56 AM
And I thought that the 8 pound rainbow I got a few years back was big! It was a guppy compared to those!! Good catches

10-19-03, 08:22 AM
nice fishies

10-19-03, 09:31 AM
Nice Tom... I agree with you on the night fishing, much more fun. Where did you catch those slamon out of curiosity. We fish the tributaries of north shore of Lake Ontario. I didn't get any salmon this year, but my brother pulled out a 25 pounder. It was THICK and it broke the net when I tried to net it - it was so strong.

Kase... nice browns as well. I love browns.
Can't for the rainbows.


McCarthy Boas
10-19-03, 08:18 PM
HI Kase,

Nice size Brown Trout's you got there.

Hi Wu-Gwei,

I was fishing in Baldwin, Michigan. I go up there every year for the Salmon run in the first week of October.
I would have to say that between me and my friend Leo we hook about 25 to 30 Salmon everyday and land about 8 to 10 everyday. We always get are limit every day. :) Leo has been fishing up there for over 10 years so it is like having my own personal fishing guide. ;)

Here is a link to where I go fishing.

Take care everyone.

10-19-03, 08:43 PM

10-20-03, 12:19 PM
looks like good eating.

Black Mamba
10-20-03, 12:46 PM
Wow, that IS a BIG fish.

10-20-03, 06:40 PM
oh my god! gross!! personally i dont know how you can touch that thing!! look at its gross little eyes!!
i think i have a salmon phobia! :: shudders ::
i DO quite like fishing though! only actually fished once though! i caught a nice big eel! :: proud ::

10-20-03, 08:13 PM
Great catches Tom. The most I've ever caught was a large Jackfish. :( *LOL*

10-21-03, 10:17 AM
Wow that's a huge beast! I've never gone Salmon fishing before. Biggest I've ever fished was an 18 lb Bluefish. If you're looking for a fight, those are the best! Those buggers will take off extremities in a heartbeat.