View Full Version : albino boas

J Blondie
10-18-03, 01:27 PM
I'm not sure what the answer to this one is so......If I bred a pair of albinos, what is the % of baby albinos that there could be or would they all be albino?

10-18-03, 01:28 PM
they would all be albino

10-18-03, 01:30 PM
all would be albino assuming that both parents are not het for anything else.
If both parents are het for hypo, you'll get a chance in hypos too.

J Blondie
10-18-03, 04:59 PM
thanks for the info - good to know. BTW - how does one know when a boa is het for anything?

10-18-03, 05:46 PM
breed them out. If the breeder hasnt told you Im guessing thats the only way. Surprises are nice:)

10-18-03, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Simon
all would be albino assuming that both parents are not het for anything else.
If both parents are het for hypo, you'll get a chance in hypos too.

As far as i have been told and seen there is no such thing as het for hypo. The snake is either a hypo or it is not, since it is a co-dominant gene.

this means that if you breed a hypo to a normal you will get like 50% or more hypos and the rest will just be normals.

if you breed a hypo to a hypo you will get 50% super hypos and 50% hypos.

10-18-03, 06:10 PM

Yeap HETFORHUMAN said it right.



10-18-03, 10:13 PM
If you breed a hypo het for albino to an albino you would get 25%sunglows.

There is a case in which breeding two albinos woudl yeild only het albinos. This woudl be if you bred a "Sharp" strain albino with an original(Kahl) strain albino. How do you know the difference? Sharp strains will run you around $1000 more than a Kahl. Sharps typically are more colorful and hold their colors better, but Kahl albinos are getting better all the time. I have seen some adult Kahls with crazy colors. You can go to Peter Kalhl Reptiles to see some screamers.

10-19-03, 09:58 AM
I don't want to confuse people but most hypos are heterozygous hypos. The ones that are homozygous hypos are called Super Hypos. If a boa has one hypo allele and one normal allele the boa appears hypomelanistic. If both alleles are hypo than the boa is a Super Hypo. If a Super Hypo is bred to a normal boa all offspring would be het hypos and would appear hypomelanistic.

Codominant - an allele that causes the homozygous form to look different than wild type and the heterozygous form to have traits of both. (All three look different from each other.)

Allele - either of the two paired genes affecting an inherited trait (one from the father, one from the mother).

Heterozygous - having two different alleles for a genetic trait.

Homozygous - having identical alleles for a genetic trait.

These definitions came from geneticswizard.com, its a great place to go if you have questions about potential offspring and genetics!

J Blondie
10-19-03, 06:09 PM
great thanks! - good to hear - I learn something new everyday on this site. cheers - J*

10-24-03, 08:18 AM
i thought hypo X hypo = 25 % super 25% normal and 50% hypo ????
anyone wanna clarify this?

10-25-03, 04:54 PM
As long as the two hypos that are bred are not supers you are 100% correct!