View Full Version : Who's got rats to sell??

10-17-03, 01:19 PM
The guy I've been grabbing feeders from is running low these days and I really hate having my wallet raped at the pet store. I don't know if this is the right forum to try to find some to buy but I have never seen any ads for feeders (tons for every herp known to man but none for feeders) so I thought I'd ask. I'm not getting my hopes up here but it would be great to hook up with a supplier until I have room to breed my own. BTW I live east of Toronto if it matters.

10-17-03, 02:05 PM
here man check this out.

i just drove up there today and cleaned them out though :) but they will be getting som more this weekend prob. give them a call they are good people

10-17-03, 04:48 PM
thanks man! Is this seriously the only online source in the whole country? I've looked and I didn't even manage to find that one on my own so I guess 1 is better than none. Maybe I'll have to start one out here in Ontario and make a bloody fortune! thanks again

10-17-03, 05:14 PM
there is more

and i know of one in sask but thats it.

buty the first link i give you to the guy in med hat has some pretty good prices and is a good guy to deal with so i thought id throw that one up since he is the only one i have pretty much dealt with.

10-17-03, 05:26 PM
It's probably still cheaper to order from there and have them shipped across the country than to get bent over the counter at the pet store. Thanks again.

10-17-03, 06:49 PM
Why not breed your own? Most people who have a substantial collection of snakes do just that. That way, you know what you're feeding your snakes.

10-17-03, 08:50 PM
mice4you used to supply alot but they've been quiet lately.

10-18-03, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by Lisa
mice4you used to supply alot but they've been quiet lately.

I had posted earlier about an accident that I have had that has been keeping me from producing mice.

Rest assured that we are going to be back VERY soon, bigger and better than ever. We have just begun receiving our breeeder mice from various labs (it took 3 to fill our order).

We will be running some great promotions once we are back up to 100% production (roughly 160,000 mice produced monthly).

I will post some pics of our progress soon

Mice 4 You

10-18-03, 12:07 PM

I suspect it will come to that eventually, I've just been resisting that. I've had one failed experiment at breeding rats (helps to have a male in there it turns out, go figure) the work and the smell was just too much at the time. Wish I had a heated garage then they wouldn't have to be right in the house. I guess you'd need a barn or something like that to do the 160,000/month kind of operation, must smell nice in there! On the other hand maybe for some that is the smell of money.

10-19-03, 07:42 AM
yeah I definetly hate the smell of rats in the house. I'm working on getting them out side so that they don't smell as much (also working on an auto feeding system and auto watering system.

10-20-03, 11:38 AM
After that all that will be left to do is invent the auto-cleaning system and you're set!LOL

10-20-03, 05:25 PM
Auto-feeding and auto-watering is nice, but I'm more concerned with the cleaning.

10-27-03, 05:05 PM
There is some places to get rats up north in Barrie and Orillia

10-30-03, 05:11 PM
Auto cleaning would be neat, and i've had ideas for it, but I can't afford the plumbing.