View Full Version : Internal and external parasite treatment

Nikki Gervais
08-04-02, 06:36 AM
Hi everyone, many know how I have been searching for mangrove snakes (boiga dendrophila ssp) for like forever, anyways I think I MIGHT have found some and since they are wc I want to treat them for internal and external parasites to reduce risk to my collection. I figured since ssnakess.com is like my fav place, that I would ask my questions here, since asking on ks is like throwing yourself to the wolves.

I have alot of questions, here it goes:
I have heard of using a product called Nix (spelling?) but I don't know what it is or where I can purchase it.
What it is?
Where it can be found?
How to mix properly?
How to use properly?
Procedure to follow?
Is this product good for mites and ticks?
How do I treat internal parasites?
I have never had to treat them by myself before, I had my vet do it once when I thought one of my snakes may have had them and I don't trust vets with my snakes since they usually have no idea what they are doing.

Product to use?
Where to get it?
How to use properly?
Procedure to follow?
Are there are signs I should look for that would suggest internal parasitism?

Sorry for all the questions I just want to do this right the first time. I have been looking for these snakes for years and I want to have them healthy and happy. :)

Also, even tho I prefer to do all vet procedures by myself, there are some that I cannot currently handle such as surgical procedures, I haven't the experience nor the equipment to do these.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knows an EXCELLENT herp vet within Ontario? Someone who has lots of experience and an excellent reputation. My last vet injured my snake when he ignored my pleas to hold her properly 3 years ago. Haven't brought any herps to him since.

Thanks everyone! :)

08-04-02, 09:22 AM
most importers do a shotgun treatment when the animals arrive, with panacur (sp?) and flagyl(sp?) for the internal parasites.(shotgun treatment just means every animal is treated reguardless of having parasites). I think both must be purchased from a vet and will have doseage instructions based on weight. For external mites provent-a-mite or blackflag is usually recomended, I wouldn't treat external unless you found something during quarantine, I always quarantine in a rubbermaid on paper so it makes mites easy to see. hope this helped

08-04-02, 09:31 AM
There's a product a breeder friend of ours had us use that works excellent and can be purchased at most feed mills. It is generally used to treat horses or cattle. It is called 'fenbendazole' and is sold under several trade names such as; 'panacure - safe-guard etc...' For the product I have which is in a 100mg/g tube, you utilize 25mg for every 1000gr of snake. For my 70 gram ball python for example, I mixed one 'notch' (25mg) of the tube of medication with 30cc of distilled water and injected the mice at the dose rate of about 1cc, I administered this on 2 occasions, each dose worked out to approximately 5mg. This worked wonders for her, she started to gain weight right before our very eyes and her skin tone became silky, where it was very rough and dry, her stools became of normal color and consistency. Whatever you do, tell the feed mill folks that you are purchasing the product for horses or cattle (this depends on which tube you purchase) this way, you are not taxed for it.

On the external parasites, Seven Dust at 5% concentration is what I use on 'all' my animals except the bird. I haven't had to use it on the snakes as yet (knock on wood), but if you do, dust the bottom of the cage with a thick coating and let them crawl around in it. Of course remove the water during the process but dust all their hide boxes and such. I've been told to leave this overnight and then give the cage a good cleaning and disinfection process afterward. There are several products on the market for snakes for external mites but I'm leary of all of them except "Black Knight" which we used in the store where I used to work, without incident and it worked gang busters. So if you're like others and scared of Seven, use that instead. But the truth is, I've gotten Seven dust all in my own mouth and nose when using it in kennels and it never hurt me, I can say the same for the animals, they lick it off and you never see any signs of damage physically or psychologically, or at least I never have. I've used it with great results.

I hope that helps,

08-04-02, 09:41 AM
I checked and The Bean Farm carries several meds that you can order.

08-04-02, 05:16 PM
Nix is available at any pharmacy. It is probably the safest treatment you can use to treat for mites. You mix 1 bottle of Nix (4 oz) to 1 gallon of water and spray snake and enclosure. For internal parasites Panacur and Flagyl are the most commonly used treatments. You need to an Rx to get Flagyl, but Panacur can be purchased at most farm supply stores (well, unless you live in my area).