View Full Version : The virtues of patience

10-16-03, 10:05 AM
Well, I'm just pleased as punch and I thought I'd share.

The last 9 months has gone by, with my savannah monitor Behemoth growing from 15" TL to 25"+ TL. Starting out, he would not even show himeself if he could see anyone. That lasted several months, until he started basking in our presence. At that point I started to become the source of food, feeding him with tongs. Slowly, he has progressed to the point where he is fine with petting, can tell the difference between a welding glove and food and is sometimes calm when picked up (but still fights on occasion). Recently, I have been working with a leash. First I got him used to the feel. Then, a couple days ago I took him out on it for the first time. He was obviously stressed. Today I did it again and he explored a lot more, ate two roaches and did not instantly retreat when I put him back in his enclosure. So basically, we're getting there -- it has been a long time but I would not trade any of it for anything in the world. My monitor represents more time, money and effort than any other animal, but it is a worthy investment to be sure. He may not be as easy to deal with or as affectionate as a dog, but perhaps that is part of the joy.


10-16-03, 10:25 AM
Just occured to me that I am liable to get flak over the sav/dog comment, especially in light of the leash. I assure you, however, that I have no illusions as to the wild nature of the beast in question. The desire to get him on a leash has to do with available exercise. His enclosure is large, but not as large as the world around us. In the winter it will be nice to get him moving around the house for exercise and in the summer I know of one large, pesticide-free area that is private enough that I can take him. The dog reference was because around the same time I was thinking of getting a sav, I reconsidered a dog. Every time I think it through, though, the dog proves to be too much for my lifestyle. The sav is about at the limit -- it takes a lot of attention, but it doesn't need to eat every day or go on walks twice a day etc.


10-16-03, 07:56 PM
I thought of the leash thing as well, lol

but everytime i have put it on him and tried to get him used to it he just sat there and stared at me lol

10-16-03, 08:41 PM
congrats on your accomplishments, more people should take the time to appreciate what a little patience can lead to. monitors are amazing animals, and need alot of patience but it all pays off nicely in the end.