View Full Version : SNOW burmese??
I've looked around, and I haven't seen anything on it, but then again I didn't look to hard :D
Is there a such thing as albino patternless (not albino green burm, I know those are basically patternless, right? I am looking for an ALL white) or leucistic burm?
Thanks for any input guys....
10-16-03, 01:26 AM
There are Albino patternless but they are yellow
10-16-03, 01:48 AM
A snow Burm would require an anery Burm and that doesn't exist. So no. No pure white Burms (sort of)....heh heh...
10-16-03, 02:36 AM
Bob Clark did produce a Lusistic Burm if you wana call it that it was pur white but it was steril so no hets were able to be made and no future blood lines either.
here is all whit burm was it the one bob produced I am not sure.
if the pic dosent show here is the url
lusistic burm (
here is the exat pic taken from Bob's site
once again if it dosent show here is the url
Bob's lusistic burm (
Hope I helped
what a shame it was steril..... that's a wicked looking burm.
wow, thats an amazing looking burm
WOW that's what i was looking for, how awesome! When did Bob produce that bad boy? He's killer... too bad he was sterile, is he still alive? Thanks alot, chondropython!
As far as i know, Bob didn't produce the Lueicistic. He acquired it,and you correct on it not reproducing. But he sold it , and is said to have died some time later. But there sre pictures floating around of another burm that is supposedly a luei'. Dave Lawson I believe was the one claiming of having it.
That pic was in reptiles mag 5-6 years ago
10-20-03, 01:33 PM
Visit this site to see more pics luecistic Burm
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