View Full Version : Cin pastel? or new line?

David Kwok
10-15-03, 02:08 PM
I was lucky enough to get 2.1 of these animals in the same bag from Africa this year. They all have clear bellies like pastels and all are hypo brown and have almost no black.

Opinions welcome

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/202copper_pastel2-med.jpg">


Corey Woods
10-15-03, 03:09 PM
Looks like a nice looking normal to me.


David Kwok
10-15-03, 03:11 PM
Thanks for your imput Corey, I can see why you would call it normal, but if you see them in person, there is nothing normal about them.... I guess the only way to tell is if I breed them out


10-15-03, 07:46 PM
Very cool, whatever it is! :D Love the blushing in the black areas....

10-15-03, 08:12 PM
I think it looks like a really nice normal too, but you never know!! It's definitely different looking.

10-15-03, 08:25 PM
Everyone thought the originals were "normals" as well. Here's lookin' at a Pewter man. I hope it works out. If not, at least you didn't pay an arm and a leg.

10-15-03, 08:55 PM
:jawdrop: whoa, thats a nice bp! nice pic too:jawdrop:

10-15-03, 09:22 PM
I can't say that I agree with it being a normal, but then again I don't know what it is! :)

10-15-03, 11:35 PM
Sometimes when a snake is before you in person it just looks DIFFERENT. You can just tell that there's something not "normal" about it.

It's really hard to capture that in pictures unless you have a really nice camera, proper lighting and really great photography skills and knowledge.

Looks really nice David. Best of luck with them! :)

10-16-03, 12:38 AM
That's a beautiful snake, David. Normal, cinnamon, whatever, either way it's awesome looking for sure! You're gonna have to breed it out to find the true meaning to its beautiful colors. :)

Oh- and let us know! :D


10-16-03, 12:46 AM
anything odd is worth proving out, and that has enough "odd" worth keeping.

10-16-03, 05:59 PM
pretty sweet

David Kwok
10-16-03, 10:55 PM
You've got it right on Tim, I'm definately not a professional photographer!! hehe


10-17-03, 01:37 PM
are you selling them, those or sweet! i want the female

David Kwok
10-17-03, 02:10 PM
No I don't think I am going to sell them quiet yet, I want to try and prove them out first.


10-17-03, 02:48 PM
Good idea ;-)

10-17-03, 05:46 PM
It's great David! I hope it "proves" to be worth keeping.
Good luck with it,

Markus Jayne
10-18-03, 10:10 AM

I don't think they are cinnamons. I have seen many cinnamons in person at Greg's and in Daytona and can pretty well guarantee that they are not.

However I do think that they might be what people call 'Yellow Bellies'. They are a very sought after morph that have been selling for quite a lot of money. The speculation is that Yellow B's are the het form of the White Ivory ball the Snake Keeper produced, although it has yet to be confirmed.

Good luck with the project and for that matter all your projects. They are very nice snakes!


David Kwok
10-18-03, 11:47 AM
Mark, you are right they are not cinnamons. I would describe them as more 'chocolate' in colour. Do you have a picture of what these 'yellow bellies' that everyone is after?

Good luck to you!


David Kwok
10-18-03, 12:05 PM
Mark, I think you might be right about the these ball pythons being het for ivory. The reason is as follows:
I quote from the snake keeper website "The yellow stripe was very noticeable as was the lavender coloring bordering the stripe." Well if you were to take a look at my photo of the ball python, the blotch of scales with black out lining them close to the tail use to be lavender in b/t two sheds. The lavender was the type you see on caramels and I guess on Ivories.

Anyway, if it works out or not, I will definately have fun working with them. Thanks for the heads up again.


10-24-03, 03:58 PM
beautiful bp