View Full Version : crested gecko recipe

DNA Reptiles
10-15-03, 11:21 AM
Does anyone had a crested gecko recipe they can share. I did have an excellant one from a guy in Calgary, but have mislaid it. I would love to get them away from insects. etc. Now that my breeding season is over I feel this might be a good time to wean them off. The one I had tried did contain a small amount of honey, bee pollen, green algae, fruit and meat baby foods, plus various mineral supplements.
Thanks in advance for any help.....Andrea

10-15-03, 01:16 PM
I did have a good silk/spirulina/fruits recipie that I tried on a batch of hatchlings a while ago, it worked very well and they grew like weeds but it was expensive and smelled a little creepy... I can dig it up if you're interested. In the mean time stay away from honey b/c they can't digest some of the components.
N.B. cgd is one of the cheapest easy food sources for multiple cresties. (it's so easy I feel like i'm cheating:p )
Good luck with the food hunt and let us know if you find any decent recepies.

10-15-03, 10:11 PM
I would love to see that recipie if it isnt too much work for you :)


Wuntu Menny
10-29-03, 10:42 PM
Ok, yer gonna need:

3 plump geckos per guest
2 cloves of garlic
spring onions
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1 egg
toasted sesame seeds
dash of white wine

Oh let me guess, this isn't the Cooking With Reptiles forum, is it? So I suppose you don't want the recipe for fettucine with chameleon tongues either...