View Full Version : best mouser!!

10-14-03, 09:10 PM
my son's little corn snake escaped 2 days ago and he found her in the living room sitting on his book, its obvious she had a a 'little' snack......but i didn't realize she could eat something that big!! she looks like she's gonna explode!!
one mouse down.....a bizillion to go.....gotta love old farm houses

10-14-03, 09:13 PM
haha :D
Hopefully the mouse he ate didn't carry any parasites, though.

10-14-03, 09:15 PM
Will want to get a fecal done in two weeks or so, who knows what the mouse had living in it.

10-14-03, 09:16 PM
HOLY FULL BATMAN!!! What a little piglet you have there. Mark

10-14-03, 09:18 PM
WOW, that's quite a meal for such a little snake!!!

10-14-03, 09:20 PM
i was planning on it....for the snake's peace of mind plus my own.....i would never hear the end of it from my kid if anything happened to his snake. i am too afraid to inspect her closer, she's so full i dont want her to regurge

10-14-03, 11:05 PM
Make sure to keep stress levels down while its digesting. Might be bad if he regurges his huge meal. Damn! What a pig! lol!

10-15-03, 01:47 AM
Wow, nice widdle piggy! What amazes me is not that the tiny snake was able to get the mouse down, but that the tiny snake was able to constrict with enough force to kill the mouse! Never underestimate the strength of corn snakes! :)

10-15-03, 02:21 PM
I'll 2nd Ken's comments. Taking down prey that size could have been a life or death struggle either way. Obviously the strong shall survive eh! Most people worry about neonate escapee Corns starving to death. No worries with that little one obviously, LOL Mark I.

10-15-03, 03:43 PM
Holy cow!! That's a full snake! Hope he keeps it down OK

10-18-03, 05:13 PM

WOW :bugged:

10-18-03, 05:44 PM
He looks full...hopefully he keeps it in!!!


10-18-03, 05:44 PM
Impressive..... most impressive. :)

Give her heat and some peace and quiet so she can digest that <b>GIGANTIC</b> meal... :D Congrats on finder her too. That must feel nice.

10-18-03, 05:54 PM
i was happy to have her back....my son found her, he was so happy!!, so far she has kept it down, she stays under the heat and hasnt moved, i even moved the water dish beside her so she could get a drink, lazy little bugger only moved her head into to get a drink too...lol, she's still so full she doesnt want to move

10-19-03, 10:09 AM
Are you sure it's only one mouse?

10-19-03, 03:54 PM
Holy Crap! My little 1.5 ft corn probably couldn't take a mouse like that!!! (getting close though!

10-20-03, 09:47 PM
Woah! Looks like my German relatives after Oktoberfest....or even the bratwurst itself!!! *LOL*

10-20-03, 10:35 PM
unfortuneately she ended regurging her huge meal the other day, did my best to keep the stress down and keep her comfy, i am holding off feeding her for a bit but she is aleady looking for food!! this is the first time she's regurged, i figure its best to wait at least a week before attempting something of a more appropriate size. it was definately one biga$$ mouse, and now that i think about it more, she is lucky to be alive! that mouse had way bigger teeth!!

10-21-03, 05:11 PM
Sorry to hear she gave you a present. But I guess it was for the best