View Full Version : Questions in my head?? need answers

10-14-03, 05:55 PM
Hey, these questions keep keep running around my mind, and need to be answer, im gonna go crazy lol.

Ok i was wondering how chameleon breeders feed every single cham, and keeping them healthly. Do they just dump baby crixs in the cage, but wont they escape???

Another question is can baby panther chams stay togehter, i heaard they couldnt but i wasnt sure if it was true or not....the 2 questions keep going through my head, couldnt find answers on google, thanks


Wuntu Menny
10-14-03, 06:07 PM
I break down clutches into smaller groups, veileds anyway, housing around a dozen together in all screen cages. The crickets can't get through the fine mesh. I still use a dish to feed but some will hop out before becoming lunch. If fruit flies are the food of choice I suggest noseeum mesh.

I've seen panthers raised both singly and separately. Both methods appear to work but anytime you can give animals individual accomodations they will do better.