View Full Version : I think I mad a mistake in Identafing..(warning lots of Pics)

10-14-03, 11:17 AM
My New Japea Dwarf Retic's may not even Be Jampeas.

I was talking to Chris Marshell and everybody who is anybody knows that when Chris says somthing it is because he has good reason to belive somthing or he has a strong hunch about somthing and it is a good caus to investigat the matter even more.

Well we were discusing Herps and Retic's came on the subject and he conratulated me on my new Dwarf's. But he was woundering just how hard I retied to identafy them and I told him and he said I should realy look into it on a higher level and real dig case he was thinking they were not Jampeas and that maby just Maby they were Kayuadi Dwarf Retic's.

so i will let you guys be the judge.

Here are the same Pics from my previous thread.

here is my female..





And this is my male..






and here are the Pics from the site I was looking at.






well I see a good resemblance I am not sure about you guys and girls.

Marc Doiron

Solid Snake
10-18-03, 01:57 AM
nice pics marc! either way its still a beauty!

when will it be able to breed?

10-18-03, 03:27 AM
well I could try this year but I desided to wait and just feed them like monsters and get them set up for next year.

10-18-03, 07:11 AM
close, but i don think they match,yours has spot and pattern under the points, while the other just has a spot, you know if theyre not what youd expected, i would take them!! j/k! nice retics

10-18-03, 09:22 AM
I had the same delimma your having now once. A lot of people are at disagreements over the identity of some of the dwarf retics. Some believe Super Dwrfs and Kuyaudis are the same. But with yours, I found a difference. The imported Jampeas do look a lot like super dwarfs and K's. But I have an adulet male K. and he is MUCH darker than any Jampea. But my point is I have 1.1 CB Jampeas, and an originally imported 2 yr old male. And the difference is very noticable. I'll try to get pics up of the two. But I'm almost positive what you have are jampeas, after talking with Bob, and Mike Wilbanks about the dwarfs the last yr or so. It's decieving because the jampeas are supposed to be noticeably bigger than other dwarfs, except the, imported ones seem to grow slower than my CB ones. But nice animals to say the least.

10-18-03, 11:23 AM
well from my expierence i had a kuyaudi super dwarf it was very dark green with light patches, and my buddies 1.1 jampeas are very light green with silver markings. alot lighter than kuyaudis. the pics you posted to me look like bali retics by the color of the pics, but that could be your camera

10-18-03, 03:03 PM
me want me want im so jealous i want one!!!!