View Full Version : Sexing Bloods

10-14-03, 02:59 AM
I wanna sex my blood next week and would like to know what the scale depth counts are for both male and female. Are they sexed the same way as a Ball Python (checking both sides?)

Thanks guys


10-14-03, 09:02 AM
Yes they can be probed but there isn't the extreme difference between genders that you see in other species. Female bloods have deep scent glands that probe almost as far as males, and sexing errors are very common in this species. Both genders have spurs. Male Hemipenes are a purplish color, female scent organs are pinkish. Both can be everted in young animals.
Comparison between several specimens is helpful.
If you have only one I suggest you find an experienced Blood breeder to sex your snake.

10-15-03, 04:00 AM
I appreciate it Roy. Know anyone in Ottawa?

10-18-03, 08:25 PM
i didnt have to sex my blood lol, when i picked him up he whiped out his "manlyness" then pissed all over me, bloods are weird like that lol