View Full Version : Anyone have really super crappy syblings?

10-13-03, 07:39 PM
i have 2 sisters .. my younger one is cool .. we hang out and stuff ... my older one jsut pisses me off so much, me and my parents
she is verbally and physically abusive, but my dad has a soft spot cause he knows she cant survive on her own .. she took it upon herself to find a new place to live though :)
she is moving out november 1...already crossing the days off my calander; me max mika and toki - lol


10-13-03, 09:42 PM

10-13-03, 09:47 PM
My brother and I did not get along when we were younger at all. Now he lives in a different city, and I miss him terribly. He is only 15 years old, so I am missing him growing up. You never know what you have until it's gone. :(
He does visit sometimes. He will be able to drive in March, so hopefully he will visit more often.

10-13-03, 10:09 PM
I have two brothers one of them used to have a bad habit of throwing very hard objects at me, of course I was the oldest and it always ended up being my fault. Needless to say we didn't get along too well at the time, but now I moved halfway across the country just as we were starting to have a decent relationship.

10-13-03, 10:42 PM
have 2 sisters .. my younger one is cool .. we hang out and stuff ... my older one jsut pisses me off so much, me and my parents
she is verbally and physically abusive, but my dad has a soft spot cause he knows she cant survive on her own .. she took it upon herself to find a new place to live though
she is moving out november 1...already crossing the days off my calander; me max mika and toki - lol


OMG u have just described my older sister, SHES A SUPER BIT*H SUPER BIT*H... SHES SUPER BIT*HY!!

10-13-03, 10:57 PM
When I was living at home, my brother would often harrass me until I lost my temper. He'd then tell my parents I was being 'b*tchy' and so on and so forth. Me being oldest, I'd get the crap for it.
Now I've moved, and he misses me terribly. He always sends me boxes of just...stuff he knows I'd like. Maybe he's lonely, doesn't have anyone to harrass anymore... ;)

But the thing is, you can't choose your family. And chances are, you won't get along with some of them. In almost every way I am polar opposite from my parents, and wow does that lead to some great fights... -_-

10-13-03, 11:01 PM
You all say that now, but you will appreciate your family later. No one gets along with their parents or siblings when they are young, but when you are 30 and away from home you will cherish every moment you have with them, and regret all the petty squabbles you had as kids.

Just some food for thought.


10-13-03, 11:09 PM
Eh, my dad and his sister aren't talking to one of their brothers, because he's being such a jack@$$ right now. You don't always cherish every moment.... :D

10-13-03, 11:10 PM
Anyone have really super crappy syblings?

When I was younger, yes. When I grew up, nope. My sister is close to 3 years younger than me and COMPLETELY opposite in every conceivable way. When we were really young kids she used to throw her radio at me, take chunks out of my leg, and all sorts of fights like that (and she was a big girl until her mid-late teens). When we were teenagers we just screamed and fought and were just awful ALL the time. She is a very difficult person to live with because she is so incredibly stubborn and is -always- right. The word compromise is definitely not in her vocabulary and she is pretty much a spoiled brat. Despite all this, we rarely ever fight anymore and can actually spend a day together and stuff like that. We can talk to eachother and whatnot. I think in most cases, its simply an age thing, and all the scrapping will be outgrown in time.

10-13-03, 11:21 PM
Yeah Youkai, I do agree that there are some awful cases!

But for the most part, siblings have petty squabbles because they don't get along and have to share, but they end up loving their siblings when they grow up. I just meant that you shouldn't say things you'll regret later, when you appreciate your brothers and sisters.


10-13-03, 11:35 PM
Oh, I know what you meant, I was just giving you a hard time. :)

And I agree completely.

10-13-03, 11:45 PM
Where do I start?

At my dad's house:
Older Brother Chris
Younger Brother Charlie
Younger Brother Jack
Younger Sister Grace
Younger Sister Hope (Addie)
Younger Sister Mercy
And my girlfriend lives with us.

Mom's house:
Slightly Older Stepbrother
Older Stepsister

I don't think you all want me to go into any detail at all about my relationship with each and every one of them.

10-14-03, 12:19 AM
well I dont have any younger sibs, but I do have 3 older brothers. The oldest one can just drive everyone insane... he's a joker and he loves to just come to the house and piss everyone off. I actually like helping him out and then end up laughing so hard I can't breathe in the end, it's awesome.

The 2nd oldest is (I dont wanna seem like i'm picking favorites) so freakin awesome! He takes me places and we wrestle and crack jokes and I have so much fun being around him... except when he's in a bad mood. When he's all cranky watch out, man he'll rip your head off. But damn he's so freakin fun to be around!

The 3rd oldest is just a dumb@$$. I hate him so much. He's like a younger sibling instead of an older one and he thinks he's so much better than everyone else just because he can drive a stupid car. I can drive, too! I just dont have my license yet! And I hate the way he goes to my parents when I knock him in the head when he pisses me off or when I do something he thinks isn't right. Then I get in trouble... I get in trouble practically every day because of him. It drives me INSANE! I think I feel this way about him because we're the closest in age, about 13 months apart. But he just needs to lay off sometimes. And OMG he cries, CRIES, like a frickin baby! I wish he would grow up!

I think the 3rd oldest makes up for not having a younger sibling... I got the best of both worlds with him around.

Bryce Masuk
10-14-03, 12:40 AM
My younger Brother And I used to fight ALOT I broke his collar bone and chipped his tooth (plus the other stuff i wont even utter) But he is easily the most annoying Little ******* on the earth. he NEVER Learns. He KNOWS I can kick his a$$ even when he arms himself with a bat or golf club But he continues to piss me off but Now we fight alot less His hobbies and mine are quickly coming the same things I guess you fight the most with people that are the most simular to you :doh:

10-14-03, 08:20 AM

We've always gotten along, he's 21 right now (20..? :S) ... He's just awesome. He lets me boss him around and stuff... (even when we were little)... Except for the fact that's he's a bit of a music.... freak.... as in he inspects my music collection on the internet and stuff and deletes what HE doesn't like... But oh well... I really miss him, he's going to York University for Film Studies... he makes zombie movies and stuff for grades... He just left yesterday, and I ALREADY miss him.


10-14-03, 05:38 PM
My sister and I used to get along then we stopped. now it's like she's always trying to pick a fight and i don't need the stress so i just don't talk to her anymore.

10-14-03, 07:16 PM
thats how me and my older sister are .. she thinks is funny