View Full Version : Look what I found today!

10-13-03, 02:20 PM
I've got a clutch of 33 Veiled eggs that were deposited on April 18th of this year, so they are due any time now and I've been candling the eggs pretty much every day for last few weeks waiting patiently for them to hatch. Well one did today! Here's my new little girl:



I'm not sure why she hatched and not the others... most of the time they have a mass hatch response and all go together. Ah well. The rest of the eggs still look good, and I guess I'll be checking on them hourly now.

Enjoy! I know I am! She's a keeper for sure.


10-13-03, 02:24 PM
yay congrats! She's adorable!! :D

10-13-03, 02:34 PM
Holy! That's awesome! Hope you have TONS of pinheads all ready!!

10-13-03, 02:34 PM
Nice work Trace, How ya been BTW?


10-13-03, 02:35 PM
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shes so cute....good luck with the others and thanks for sharing, need us posted


DNA Reptiles
10-13-03, 02:36 PM
Congratulations Trace...veiled chameleons are truely amazing and very hardy. It is not unusual for them to hatch over a period of quite a few days. I have been breeding them for a number of years and they are still my favourite chameleon. Good luck!!

10-13-03, 02:48 PM
33 :) nice trace
if you need help looking after a few, please let me know - it would be a pleasure :)


10-13-03, 02:50 PM
Congrats. That is very cute.

10-13-03, 02:59 PM
Congrats on the new girl :) she's very cute!!!!!!!!!! Post more picks as the others hatch i love cams!!!!!! :)

10-13-03, 03:01 PM
Very nice Trace. I can imagine how anxious you've been.

10-13-03, 05:59 PM
so cute!!! can't wait to see more pictures!

Wuntu Menny
10-13-03, 08:35 PM
Congrats onn the new arrival.

If you provide enough space between eggs in the incubator you can avoid the mass hatch response. Evidently, its a chemical or hormonal element in the albumen that can trigger hatching in neighboring eggs. Good for helping dig to the surface, bad for avoiding preemies. We had one clutch that took almost two weeks to completely hatch.

Also, candling the eggs on a regular basis is not supposed to be advisable as light exposure, even for a short duration can cause premature hatches.

One down, 32 to go! Have fun,


10-13-03, 09:03 PM
what a wonderful surprise. I am glad you found her today, rather than tomorrow! How long can they survive in the hatching box anyways?

10-13-03, 11:25 PM
Good work! She looks like she may hold some awsome color!

10-14-03, 11:24 AM
YEA!!!!!! Congrats Trace!!!!! Such wonderful news. Waiting for more picks and the rest to hatch...

10-14-03, 06:05 PM
Waiting for more picks and the rest to hatch...


Holy cow, the wait is driving me crazy! It's taking all my power NOT to peek in that rubbermaid every 5 minutes. I don't want to expose the eggs to too much light or accidental movements, but I also don't want to miss any of these little buggers hatching either. I've limited myself to a quick look in the morning and once in the evening.

Thanks for the tips Wuntu and DNA! I had read that sometimes it does take a few days to a few weeks for the entire clutch to go, but I guess I was hoping it would all happen at once. Alas not. At last check this morning, the rest of the eggs still look good. It's funny, the egg she hatched out of was the crappiest looking one of the bunch all the way through. It was always wrinkled and had a little bit of mold on it, but I knew there was possibly something in there and I didn't give up on that particular one. Any thoughts on why that one hatched first or is most likely just a coincidence?

Thanks for the kind words everyone! You can bet there will be more pics when the rest finally do hatch.



10-14-03, 06:11 PM
your so lucky! She/he is absolutly amazing, and tiny at that..good luck with the other 32 and i hope they all do good for you..enjoy them! :D

10-14-03, 08:45 PM
Congrats!!! :D


10-14-03, 08:51 PM
wow congrats!! beautiful chameleon!! good luck with the rest of the clutch!!

10-14-03, 08:56 PM

Oh wow, absolutely adorable. I can't wait to see the rest, I'm sure you'll have nothing but amazing results.



10-16-03, 10:39 AM
maybe the packed in lunch supply ran out for her quicker in her shriveled egg? Or maybe the mold stole some of the surface area for gas exchange?
Just some ideas.

10-16-03, 05:58 PM
Wow Trace soo jelous, babys are the cutiest things, I think that once the rest start there will be no stoping the little buggers, lol the first one can clame to be days older then the rest lol.

Wuntu Menny
10-17-03, 09:03 PM
Wassup Trace? I don't hear any pipping!


10-17-03, 10:04 PM
Wassup Trace? I don't hear any pipping!


This is driving me absolutely (insert curse word here) crazy! I've been VERY patient all (insert curse word here) summer. Now that one has hatched, I want the (insert curse word here) others to go. I just candled the eggs, which I know is bad, and they still look good. In fact, I can see little chameleons inside some of the eggs and they are moving about, curling their tails, and the like. Maybe tomorrow? I (insert curse word here) hope so! One egg actually looks slightly wet, for lack of a better word. Maybe that one will start sweating and hatch overnight. I (insert curse word here) hope so! Ah well. I'm re-learning the art of patience this week.

On a positive note though, my little girl ate her first bug today! I'm very proud. Of course she picked one of the larger crickets to eat and had a bit of a hard time chewing/swallowing that one, but she got it down. I'm sure that one bug filled her right up she's so small. What I also find terribly interesting about her, is acts JUST like my adults. She has her morning stretch, her morning yawn, she leans to one side or the other and basks, all that jazz. Except on a much smaller scale! It's amazing that these little creatures have the instincts to survive.

Here's a better pic of "Thanksgiving Girl". (I really need to think of a better name!)




Wuntu Menny
10-17-03, 10:15 PM
This isn't your first clutch of veileds, is it? For one so hopelessly hooked on chams you're going to need far more patience in the future. I've had clutches of pardalis and verrucosus that took over a year to hatch!


10-18-03, 10:09 AM
That's so weird how they have essentially no casque when they're hatchlings. She's a cutie Trace.

10-18-03, 11:35 AM
that is so cool trace

10-18-03, 03:21 PM
VERY CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow im so jealous right now, gonna take that clutch without you knowing:), but i bet your on them 24/7 waiting for them to hatch lol keep us posted on any other signs of hatching!!!!!!!!!! good luck


10-18-03, 04:35 PM
hey trace ... were those babes from jadoo and cj?


10-18-03, 05:47 PM
hey trace ... were those babes from jadoo and cj?

No actually, these eggs are from Bacchanal and Jadoo. C.J. and Jadoo are breeding as we speak (type?) though. (insert cheesy porn music here) Bow chicka bow wow.

I might as well give a small update for the people who have been following my trails. The egg that looked kind of wet last night, did, in fact, hatch for me this morning. I have another little girl! :D Her egg sac is still attached to her, so I've got her set up in a small critter keeper until it absorbed. She's doing fine so far. Here's a few pics of "Saturday Girl":



I've got one egg that just pipped late this afternoon and should hopefully be out sometime this evening and few of the eggs have collapsed now, so hopefully they will be out sooner or later.



10-18-03, 06:27 PM
wow! thats great!! they are beautiful babes..

10-18-03, 07:19 PM
thats great to hear trace :)

Sean Day
10-18-03, 07:57 PM
Congrats they are very cute!

10-18-03, 08:40 PM
omG they are so CUTE! AWWWW!!!!!!!!

10-19-03, 04:02 AM
Oh wow, they look absolutely awesome trace. Congrats on the little buggers and have fun with them :D

Wuntu Menny
10-19-03, 08:06 AM
Keep em coming. One thing, I found that giving the neos a quick dip in barely warm water gets rid of all that vermic a lot easier than waiting for it to fall off. It also wakes up the kids in a big hurry!


10-19-03, 12:43 PM
Whoa, wuntu. I just got you're name haha. One too many. I'm an idiot.

10-27-03, 11:25 AM
Those little guys are so cool.Congrats