View Full Version : Breeding prey in the suburbs, legal issues

10-13-03, 01:17 PM
I'm trying to figure out what kind of trouble I can get into for breeding a rack or two of rats in my basement. Is there usually a limit on the number of rodents you can have in your home like there are for dogs and cats in most cities? Or could it possibly be looked upon as farming and therefore be illegal in the city? On the other hand maybe it's no one's business how many rats I have in my basement, I don't know. Anyone out there get fined or anything like that?

10-13-03, 06:08 PM
To stay out of trouble you have to do a couple of things
#1 Keep the stink down (this will be the biggest complaint)
#2 Don't tell anyone

Hope this helps

10-13-03, 06:19 PM
What is the best way to keep the stink down?

I am having some good results with an ozone air purifer but what other alternatives are there?


10-13-03, 07:08 PM
Those sound like ways to get away with growing dope in your basement. LOL! Including the ozone purifiers (which, in case you weren't aware, can be VERY dangerous, ozone is deadly at certain levels). I was wondering more what the consequences typically are IF you get caught, if in fact it's against any laws or bi-laws in the first place. As far as the smell question goes, again the basement farmers can teach us another lesson. Often illicit grow rooms can have a strong, incriminating smell. This is often covered with an ozone purifier but I have also been told that you can vent the room out your dryer vent and filter it to clean the smell(you can buy or build good charcoal filters). Another trick is to fill the flexible venting tube with dryer sheets to mask the odour and just replace them periodically. Again though, I know enough to keep it quiet regardless of the legality (nobody wants to deal with complaining neighbors even if you aren't doing anything illegal) but I was wondering if anyone has had any real legal consequences from breeding feeders at home.

10-13-03, 07:10 PM
Clean them often, make sure there is no rug in the room.

10-13-03, 08:35 PM
Check your local bylaws. You will get all your answers.
They are different from town to town

10-13-03, 09:20 PM
Well, You could just grow weed and trade it for rats lol

10-15-03, 01:28 PM
LOL! nope, I don't think so! haha

10-15-03, 02:37 PM
Yeah, check out your local bylaws. Easy to say. Perhaps not so easy to do.

10-15-03, 04:07 PM
Actually it is very easy to get info reguarding animal bylaws. As herpers and pet owners we should all check the laws before moving or buying a house in new communities. It will save a lot of trouble in the long run. I have had to do this on three occasions now and one of them ended in me not buying a house because in this community all exotic pet were Illegal even birds and fish, Only alowed one dog or cat if it were spade or nuetured. Also the head of the town councell would have been my neighbour and he was the one responsible for these laws LOL

10-16-03, 12:48 PM
hope he gets mauled by a neutered, licenced dog!