View Full Version : Huge Garter Snake

King of Spades
10-12-03, 12:54 PM
I was going deer hunting yesterday and i came across the biggest garter snake that i have ever seen. I took it home and sure enough this monster mesures close to 43 inches.

The colors are bright orange for the side stripes and yellow-green on the top stripe.

Just a beauty and very healthy.

And i thought that my other garter snake was big !!! Unbelievable... i'll keep you posted guys.

10-12-03, 12:56 PM
Can you post some pics???


10-13-03, 08:45 AM
my biggest was 39 1/2 great find, was yours ticked, mine could have sworn he was a cobra he was so mean.

King of Spades
10-13-03, 11:52 AM
Mine was so ticked off that it looked like a rattle snake. I couldn't approach it without being snapped at. it eventually calmed down and now lives with my other garter snake.

10-13-03, 12:13 PM
Might not have been the best idea keeping the garter. Especially if it's a big female. Might have been better to capture it with photos. My 2 cents. :)

10-13-03, 02:59 PM
I agree with Vanan... let it go, it'll do better for the wild populations than living with another of your garters. Plus, you haven't quaratined it. Who knows what it'll bring into your collection!


10-13-03, 03:05 PM
I agree, you really should let the garter go, and not to mention, you should not be housing it with another snake. It needs to be quarentined, and there's way too much that can go wrong when two or more snakes live together, REGARDLESS of how calm the situation seems. Have you checked it for mites? Gotten a fecal done with the vet to check for parasites and just overall health? Two reasons why they shouldn't be housed together...if it has mites, it will infect the other one, and, to bring in a fecal, you'll have to know WHICH snake pooped. So, if you do decide to keep it...do the smart thing and put it in a different enclosure.

10-13-03, 03:10 PM
Keep it. Everyone wants to say "you can go by captive born babies", but they had to come from somewhere. Plus you will keep a superb specimen safe from John Doe who thinks the only good snake is a dead snake. Good luck with your great find.

10-13-03, 07:31 PM
but they had to come from somewhere. Indeed they had to... but that's why there are healthy, CB specimens available now.

Plus you will keep a superb specimen safe from John Doe who thinks the only good snake is a dead snake. Either way, this is one less snake in the wild population. At least if it's released into the wild, it has way more chances of breeding and having babies and furthering the population. Odds are it will live, and not get killed.

And at the very least, if you MUST keep it, QUARANTINE it. Don't just throw it in with another garter.


10-13-03, 10:22 PM
Hehe. Nice to see you here FATboy. Unfortunately it's a lil too late for me to get started now. Maybe in the mornin'. ;)