View Full Version : Leopard Tortoises

10-12-03, 10:36 AM

I was wondering if anyone keeps or works with leopard tortoises.
I have struck an interest in this species recently and would love to learn more about them.

Any pictures would be greatly appreciated awsell!


10-12-03, 12:11 PM
I believe his name is Stan, I keep forgetting though, last I knew he was working with Leopards amongst other kinds of torties. My little Redfoot came from him originally.

My personal experiences with the species is pretty limited. I have however found them to be extremely timid little guys. They aren't aren't nearly as easy to interact with as most other species I have worked with.

Anyways, good luck with your search. Sorry I cannot be of more help.

10-14-03, 05:03 PM
heres a pic i found on the net for ya..i was bored so i figured, eh what the he!! ill help this guy out :D;)
