View Full Version : 20 Bucks Free!!!

10-12-03, 09:19 AM
i was at superpet, yesterday and i went to refund stuff, that i didnt need, and it was only used once, also a cracked tank......we talked to the lady and the lady was willing to refund my cracked tank and all my other stuff. That was the first mistake, i think they can only exchange, a cracked tank, not sure, so then only the stuff we returned we only get credit for, so i was suppose to get $47 bucks, but the lady gave me $67..... how could u get a 4 and a 6 messed up, it clearly showed that it was a 4 lol, so then i got my self crikits, and still have 55 bucks, lol that was the highlight of my day:p


10-12-03, 09:25 AM
Only problem with the highlight of your day is probably going to end up costing her out of her own pocket the store just doesnt just let 20 bucks dissapear, people are human they make mistakes unfortunatly you can only hope people are honest enough to point them out when there made.
Just my oponion

10-12-03, 09:29 AM
Was it the superpet @ Kennedy Commens by any chance.
That happened to me before, I returened a water dish that was too small. It cost me $12.99, he put down accidently $112.99.
I felt so bad i told him about his mistake

10-12-03, 09:29 AM
ya you got a good point there, but like you said everyone makes mistakes, i guess she saw the numbers wrong

10-12-03, 09:30 AM
LMAO ya it was wow...:p

10-12-03, 09:32 AM
What a coincidence:D:D
I go there to get my crix every once in a while.

10-12-03, 09:35 AM
hahahaha, that kennedy commons super pet is a joke man... I bought 8 dozen crickets, and got charged for 3 dozen, cause the 8 was seen from an angle and the cashier didn't catch on :D

Its all good

10-12-03, 09:36 AM
kool i only go there once in a while, its so far from my house, it takes me 20 mins to get to superpet by car, my mom drives me, crix's there are expenive, they give me so little


10-12-03, 09:40 AM
Wow someone should go there any tell them all the mistakes they made...:p i bet they lose like a $1000 each month by doing that lol

10-12-03, 10:09 AM
Oh well, as long as you got the money... it was her mistake, let her fix it lol

10-12-03, 12:17 PM
i dunno, i always feel bad when people give me more money than I'm supposed to have. she made the mistake, but it's another mistake to take more money than you're supposed to have.

10-12-03, 12:24 PM
so would u give the money back and point there mistake???or would you keep it??? lets take Reptilez as an example, would you give the $100 back??? in my opinion i wouldnt, if they made the mistake then its really there fault not mine, but it is wrong to take more money then you should, but thats in my opinion


10-12-03, 12:45 PM
I would definitely give the money back. It's the only moral thing to do. Unless, of course, you were taught by your parents that stealing is alright, then by all means, keep it.

Gregg M
10-12-03, 12:47 PM
You should have given it back to the person........ That is a very dishonest move to make........ Did you really need the extra 20 bucks???? People have lost a job for less....... How does it feel knowing that a mistake that could have been corrected by you, might result in this person loosing their job....... Doesnt sound to funny to me......... I am glad there are so many good, honest people around....... J/K....... Have fun spending money you did not earn........

Bryce Masuk
10-12-03, 12:57 PM
"I returened a water dish that was too small. It cost me $12.99, he put down accidently $112.99.
I felt so bad i told him about his mistake"
If he was Dumb enough to think a water dish cost 112 dollars he shouldnt be allowed to touch money

90% of the time stores dont catch on when money goes missing.
If the person has to pay the money out of there pocket there more likely to pay attention and not make the same slip ups as before

10-12-03, 12:57 PM
Yes i should have given the money back, i kno its wrong to take that extra money, but doesnt mistake happen???(But then why did super pet make so many mistakes???it couldnt have been the same person) My first mistake taking the money, she also made a mistake by giving me the money. Now that hearing from you people made me change my mind and if it happens again, i will be honest, and tell the clerk she/he made a mistake.....you made me realize that....and i wanna thank you, i didnt think about the person losing the job...Im just 14 what am i suppose to know, but as i grow up i learn my mistakes, and plus this has only happened once...(well to me) But does $20 bucks really make a difference in the company(i kno it puts the clerk at risk) but 20 bucks......100 bucks i can understand but thats a different story


10-12-03, 01:53 PM
to answer the first question, i would absolutely give the money back. i have a very strong conscience...no matter how dumb the mistake, i could never keep the money. I'm a HUGE believer in Karma.

i'm glad that you've changed your mind about it, but hey, actions are stronger than words. Next time, huh? :)

10-12-03, 02:12 PM
It's good that you changed your mind and will do the right thing in the future. Theres just one thing I don't get...

would you give the $100 back??? in my opinion i wouldnt, if they made the mistake then its really there fault not mine, but it is wrong to take more money then you should

But.... huh? Isn't that like a total contradiction in terms?

I'm glad you saw your mistake though, and will correct it next time.

10-12-03, 03:39 PM
All I was pointing out was that an avarage retail person there makes probably $8.00 or so an hour and i know for a face that when cashiers are short it comes out of THEIR pay so they have just worked almost 3 hours for a mistake that could have been fixed just by being honest, I know i have worked in retail and made mistakes where it was entirly my fault and have paid for it as well and you know it sucked and if you are the type of person that says your mistake your problem I will say that is exactally what is wrong with this world today.
Thanks for your time.

10-12-03, 03:51 PM
I think if it's a few dollars (10-20$) then I would probably keep it. It would only be put into either gas or food for the animals anyways. But it if was something like 100$ I would probably point it out. But it is their fault, they should be paying attention to the cash register.

10-12-03, 04:01 PM
GEEZ AGAIN what does it matter 200 dollars 2 dollars it is all the same i will tell you one thing you will be thinking a different thing the day it happens to you!!! and does it matter what you put it into it is not the cashiers pets or car that you are putting it into is it?

10-12-03, 04:04 PM
I would point out the mistake . One time at an ATM a woman left a twenty at the machine and I ran out and found her becfore she got into her car and gave it to her. She was grateful and it was nice to make someone's day.

When I was younger and worked at a gas station, any shortages were deducted off my pay and that my friends is not a nice feeling:|

10-12-03, 04:09 PM
Exactally what I am trying to point out
Thank You

10-12-03, 04:27 PM
If you think that it's ok to take the cash then it's ok for others to take the cash from you when you're in that position. Think about it, wouldn't you like some one to tell you when you screwed up and gave them too much $? You'd go back if she short changed you.

10-12-03, 04:35 PM
this can be a big debate....but in my opinon i think it is the right to do, by showing them the mistake, like lisa said, would u want someone, to not tell you that you lost 20 bucks???etc, but i have learned from this theard...but i dont work so i have no clue how it works if you made a mistake. If if it puts your job on the line then thats a different story thanks

10-12-03, 05:17 PM
The idea that someone else might screw you for the money is not the point.

Wouldn't you like to be a better person than someone like that? I mean everyone complains about what a rotten world we have and yet when it comes right down to it they act the same. Maybe there's no tangible reward for doing something like giving back 20$. I felt good on the times that I did something nice for someone for no reason so you do things your way and I'll do it mine.

10-12-03, 05:31 PM
Well meow as to only being 14 i can understand how you would think it was cool to have the extra money, and think its great that now you see the difference and you know what when you start at your first job i hope that when you make a mistake with someones change or something to that effect they point it out :)
but question is you say you have a credit there or something like that are you gona tell them about the mistake is the question :)
Cheers Kim

Tim and Julie B
10-12-03, 05:35 PM
Yikes! Such commotion here:D For me, fee money is geat, but not at someone else's expense. If they can make the mistake of giving back too much, then they could also make the mistake of charging too much as well. No one would complain about the extra cash, but I'll bet you would complain 10 times over if you were charged more than you should be. Gotta think the whole thing through here. Honestly is the best policy no matter who you are or the situation at hand. In the long run you'd be best off telling these cashiers that they are horrible at their jobs and need to re-take math! lol Though accidents do happen, even to the best of us.


10-12-03, 05:35 PM
Of course, the next time i see the persont hat wrote me the credit, ill let her kno what she did hppefully she will learn from her mistake:)


10-12-03, 05:37 PM
Tim and Julie B:thats why we learn from our mistakes, and hopefully it wont happen again:)

10-12-03, 05:38 PM
Good man :)

10-12-03, 05:51 PM
yay for free money!!!
my mate bought some shoes she gave them the exact money needed and they gave her £40 change....... you can bet we walked very quickly out of that shop!!

and at mcdonalds today i got a free large coke because the cashier was stoopid!!! i wish he gave me £20...... bummer!

10-12-03, 05:56 PM
guess that makes me proud to be Canadian eh