View Full Version : Eggs just layed.

08-02-02, 05:38 PM
My female just layed eggs. Some were small and weak and seemed deflated, what could cause this? She has uv light. I fed her plenty of dusted crickets, some spinach, carrots, and a pinky every couple weeks along with have some commercal food. Could it be the male not doing his part "enough" to reach all of the eggs. He's less than a year old. I did handle her some while she was carrying the eggs, could that have messed up the eggs? How about stress, she was moved to my home about 3 weeks before the eggs were layed.

:bounce:Thanks E:bounce:

08-02-02, 07:50 PM
Congrats on the eggs!! I'm not sure on the eggs ... but it's probably not a good idea to feed spinach - it contains oxalic acid which binds with calcium and prevents it from being metabolized. Collards, kale, dandelion, mustard green, etc are better choices.

Hopefully someone else has more ideas!


08-03-02, 12:38 PM
As far as the eggs go, that is perfectly normal. They should take on a yellow color soon. They are either infertile (which will turn yellow) or just a bit dehydrated. I am assuming that you know how to incubate them. It could be that the male has a low sperm count, or that the female is just not into her prime. It's nothing to worry about tho. Even my best breeders have infertile eggs with almost every clutch.

Congrats and enjoy.

08-04-02, 10:10 PM
I've got them in a chick incubator at 83 degrees. How much humidity should they have? Also how moist should the substrate be.

Thanks E

08-05-02, 10:08 AM
ok. I'll try to keep this short. I keep my eggs in 5 x 8 inch tupperware-like containers. (anything that is clear, airtight, and small enough to fit in the incubator) I put about an inch of perlite (or vermiculite) in the container and put in about 3:10 water:substrate. you dig a littel hole with your thumb, burying the egg longways about halfway deep. close the container and put it in the incubator. For the first few days, check it often. If the eggs start to collapse (en masse), then you need to add more water to the substrate, never directly to the eggs. If the eggs start to show condensation (water droplets on the eggs) then the humidity is too high. In this case, you need to take the top off the container and let some of the humidity air out, this may take a few hours. After a few times, you will get the hang of it.

08-05-02, 09:27 PM
uffern and jaylyn know what there talkin about as for handling shouldnt have been a problem mine have been handled right up to hours before laying without a problem