View Full Version : Stop staring at it and EAT it!

10-10-03, 09:26 PM
So I tried to feed my bp tonight, and all she did was stare at the food. She assumed the "S" posture, like she was GOING to strike, but didn't. So then I got thinking that it may be a defensive posture, but I'm not sure. I wiggled the mouse a bit, then just left it to see if she would eat it, but she didn't. Is this an experience other bp keepers have had? Do you have any "tricks" to make a staring snake strike. When she was staring she also wasn't flicking her tongue, but when I moved the mouse around a bit she flicked. Any ideas?



10-10-03, 11:02 PM
man, I hate it when they do that. i tried the tapping-on-the body thing for that once, but it just made Huxley more pissed of rather than more hungry. My best advice would be (if you don't already do this) to dip the head of the mouse in hot water...it makes the smell stronger and activates their heat-seeking glands. Otherwise...sometimes they just don't wanna eat.

10-11-03, 12:15 AM
if i dont use my tongs gretchen wont eat it! she wont eat anything but white feeders. she will eat rats if she is hungry enough. if i push the meal on her she gets mad and refuses. balls are just spoiled, finicky eaters. i have developed alot of patience with her. she eats good but on her terms!

10-11-03, 12:36 AM
All my BP's act like they have never eaten when it is feeding time...except one. She is picky (but probably not as much as some), She will not eat it if has been out of hot water for over a minute. It must have the heat radiating off of it for her to be interested. So, I would go with Lilyskip's idea, and good luck!


10-11-03, 12:54 AM
I would try heating the item up a bit more, I'm guessing the snake can't smell it there until you move it because it isn't warm enough. I don't have this problem because; 1. I feed rats, and I get them real hot first, and 2. When my snakes are eating, they're EATING. They rarely refuse a meal. I would also try the 'wiggle thing' in front of them. If they don't take it, wait a few days, maybe they're bellies just aren't growlin' yet.

10-11-03, 08:22 AM
Thanks for the great replies everyone!

Originally posted by mykee
1. I feed rats, and I get them real hot first.

How do you heat up your rats?

2. When my snakes are eating, they're EATING.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.



10-11-03, 08:33 AM
My BP will either strike and constrict right away or even pick it up a little later and eat it. I've had him for over four months and he has yet to refuse. He's a real piggy.
I'm switching him over to rats soon so hopefully his feeding attitude will continue.

I was wondering if there is anything new in your BP's surroundings that might be makin her nervous. Lights too bright? Maybe the temp a little cooler. Just thought that there might be something making her a little skittish .

10-11-03, 11:28 AM
Daver, I defrost my rats in hot hot hot tap water, and offer them to my snake tha way. They never refuse. With regards to the second comment I made, What I meant was that when my BP's are on feed, they religiously eat every time I feed them. They are not finicky. When they go off feed however, that's another story.

10-11-03, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by RepTylE

I was wondering if there is anything new in your BP's surroundings that might be makin her nervous. Lights too bright? Maybe the temp a little cooler. Just thought that there might be something making her a little skittish .

Well the tank location is not ideal, but I am moving at the end of the month, and the snake will have a room to itself. Where do you keep your bp? What are it's living conditions? It sounds like you have the perfect bp!


10-11-03, 05:21 PM
Lol, I don't know about perfect. I think he is but I'm biased
I just keep him in a 15 gal tank with newspaper as a substrate. He goes under the paper and naps there. He just seems to be more comfortable under there. I guess that I have been lucky so far with mine .

The possible causes that I mentioned might have just been grasping at straws. When you said that she assumes the "S" position and won't strike just made me think that she is nervous. Mine doesn't like bright light so I feed him in low light . Also he is in a spot where there's no noise or anything so he isn't startled by alot of activity around him. Maybe after you move and she settles down afterwards it will be business as usual at feeding time .

If you read about some BP's going off feed for months and months, a missed feeding doesn't seem too bad at this point. A friend of mine had a mature BP go off feed for 8 1/2 months. He had to try everything and still had all thoes problems getting his to feed again.

10-11-03, 07:28 PM
Well my male will eat anything thats offered. My female on the other hand. She skipped 3-4 feedings, and when I was warming up a fuzzy for my corn, she started going crazy (I used her heat light and put it under there, over her screen, so she could smell it.) I thought what the hell and offered her a fuzzy. She took it, but refused a small rat minutes later! Oh well, atleast she has something in her, I'm going to try waiting for 3-4 feedings and offering her an adult mouse, maybe I tried her on small rats to soon?

She also did the "S" position. I have no clue why they do this. They will eat when ready. As long as they are good weight and not sick, I wouldn't be to concerned about it.

10-11-03, 07:59 PM
my female just refused two meals, i think she is on her winter fast, but not sure yet. juast skip this time and try next, when theyre hungry they will usually eat, unless theres some thing wrong, but i think we have almost worked out most of the bugs out of your bp daver676

10-11-03, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by snakehunter
but i think we have almost worked out most of the bugs out of your bp daver676

LOL, I hope so! I will be buying mail order from a trusted source next time!

10-12-03, 11:37 AM
It takes more time and effort to order from a breeder as opposed to just going into a store and buying a snake but since breeders are at least as obsessed with snakes as you are, You tend to get an animal that is well cared for.
I am sure that your BP will be just fine Daver. She just might be a pain in the a$$ for awhile. The next one that you get will probably eat everything but the kitchen sink. Besides I'd take her off your hands any day, she might be a pain but damn, she's a BP ;)

10-12-03, 09:02 PM
The thought of getting rid of her never entered my mind for a second.

10-13-03, 07:44 PM
just kidding, Daver. I know that with mine, you'd have to pry him out of my cold dead fingers if you wanted to take him .