View Full Version : big boa enclosures

10-10-03, 09:02 PM
What kind of enclosures do you keep your bigger boas in? I would love to see pictures of your set ups! I have a 3.5ft female BCI, and she's 3 1/2 months old..so I think she'll fill out to be a nice sized snake. I want to be prepared with a good enclosure for her. Thanks!

10-13-03, 11:59 PM
I keep my 2 BCI's in a 150 gal aquarium that i got with the snakes. I wouldn,t recomend that though. It's such a pain in the @$$ to clean, move, ect. I'm getting a couple of plastic/glass cages after the first of the year when i get the $. I like the cages from Vision and Freedom Breeder the best so far because visibility is very important to me. Why keep snakes if you can't look at them. Just my opinion.

10-14-03, 12:17 AM
I keep them in 4x2x1 custom wooden enclosures with either sliding glass doors or drop-down plexi doors, all heated with heat tape.

Are you sure your female is 3.5 months old? Most Colombians are that size at a year or so.

10-14-03, 02:03 AM
Here is a link with pictures of my enclosure:


10-14-03, 04:06 AM
I dont keep boa's but i have very large snakes and i keep most of them in 4' X 3' X 3' enclosures sorry i dont have any good pic's of them


10-14-03, 09:45 AM
I keep small boas in plastic tubs that slide into a rack. The rack holds 3 sizes so I can move the boas to larger tubs as they grow. I keep my larger boas in 4ft by 2ft by 1ft enclosures that have sliding glass for doors. Sounds very similar to Linds setup! None of my boas are over 6 ft yet, but if I do get some larger females I will build them 6ft by 2ft by 1ft cages.

10-14-03, 10:02 AM
yes, I'm sure she's 3.5 months old. I was there when she was born :D. She's eating small rats already. I have a feeling that she's going to be a big one.

10-14-03, 02:30 PM
Here are some cages that we built. The top one is 3ft x 1.5ft x 1ft and is used for smaller boas like rainbow boas. The bottom cages are 4ft x 2ft x 1ft and are for larger BCI. Once we built these we found it was easier to use a rack type sytem and plastic tubs so this is what we use the most. The ones in the picture were used for albino bullsnakes at the time but now one houses a 5ft hog island boa.


10-14-03, 02:52 PM
Here's the 3x2x2 cage I got from Greg West, which currently houses a 6.5' BCI:


We have a smaller female BCI who is (temporarily) in a 6 x 1.5 x 1.5 - a little big for her, but she'll grow into it. Our smaller male BCI is (again, temporarily) in a 33 gal aquarium. I'm going to be building some 4x2x2's for the BCIs very soon.