View Full Version : Eye Cap

10-10-03, 05:52 PM
Hi all i have a Bp that is having shedding problems he seems to have an eye cap and i have tryed soking him in warm wate and trying to pull it off with scotch tape ( i was unconfotable doing that bu i heard to do it on a post here or some were else ) and that didnt work ether any sugestions ? thx


10-10-03, 06:14 PM
Mineral Oil on a Q-Tip might work...

M Kaplan's Link for Removing unshed snake eyecaps. (http://www.anapsid.org/eyeshed.html)

10-10-03, 06:21 PM
SCOTCH TAPE! OK I won't flip out, but don't ever do that! There are plently of methods to try but that is not one of them. If you are not cofident enough to do it properly yourself find someone qualified who is. Continue to soak the snake & force it to stay overnight in a damp hide & try in the AM. Try the mineral oil method also. Remember we are talking about its eyeball here so extreme caution is required along with a steady hand. Good Luck Mark I.

10-10-03, 06:26 PM
thx ill try the mineral oil do i just dip the Q tip in it and rub it on his eye ball ? thx


10-10-03, 06:27 PM
Soak him first.

Also, one thing that worked for me was a good soaking and letting the snake crawl through your towel covered hand. Just use enough of a grip to cause a little resistance and let the snake do all the work, but don't force it.

10-10-03, 10:10 PM
Ok, try putting him in a rubber maid with a damp towel, with good ventilation (holes all around the rubbermaid). I put one towel, folded, and heavily misted the towel, put the snake in there, and fold the towel in half over the snake, if he wants to come out from the towel he will. Put the rubbermaid in his enclosure, just incase he does get out, if it's a big enough rubber maid put one end over a little part of the heating pad.

I did it with my little female and she came out a perfect shed, when they usually have bad sheds, old skin stuck, and eye caps....good luck....:)