10-10-03, 02:26 PM
On my way to work today....I was clipping along down a country road when I noticed, what seemed to be, a long piece of black rubber on road....ya know...blown out tire or something...anyhow as i approaced i realized it was a snake...but i was going to fast to stop so I swerved to avoid running it over...i pulled over and went to check it out....he was chillin on the road until I approached....than he made that awkward get away across the road...with nothing to grip he was moving more side ways than forward...lol....so I picked him up and moved him to the side he was approaching.....thats when it happened...hey...whats that smell???....ugh...the little bugger sprayed me and wow...what a stench...i got it all over my steering wheel, stereo, shifter, yuk....i've washed my hands about 10 times and they still stink!!!
so thats what i get for saving his derier!!btw...he was a very large garter...never seen one so big...very nice, except for his manners.....what a way to greet and thank me!:p :rolleyes:
so thats what i get for saving his derier!!btw...he was a very large garter...never seen one so big...very nice, except for his manners.....what a way to greet and thank me!:p :rolleyes: