View Full Version : gender, male or female ?

gelobte balwop
10-10-03, 04:32 AM
theres a discussion going on, at a dutch forum, whether my (lazy) dragon is a male oder female...

i think you guys can beat them.... so tell me...

gelobte balwop
10-10-03, 04:33 AM

gelobte balwop
10-10-03, 04:37 AM
last one:

10-10-03, 04:37 AM
From the size of the fin I'd say female..........

I've owned water dragons before but not to adulthood.

gelobte balwop
10-10-03, 04:38 AM

gelobte balwop
10-10-03, 04:39 AM
2 years old is she / he.

length: 70 cm (missing 10 cm tale)
= 2.4 feet i guess

10-10-03, 04:41 AM
Yeah my guess is female......males are much more bulky with a bigger sail from what I've read and seen.

Beautiful whatever sex it is.

gelobte balwop
10-10-03, 04:46 AM
thanks snakeman, indeed, but unfortunately she/he misses teh end of her tale. She got stuck between the glas and a brench,

she is about to shed, according to the grey colour on her back.

10-10-03, 04:51 AM
Hope this helps.

gelobte balwop
10-10-03, 06:11 AM
At this time, if your dragon is a male:

His head will begin to get larger and wider and even more triangular. ----don't know

The crest on the neck will begin to get higher, and the spikes much longer --- yeah

The spikes on his back will get longer, You'll notice that below the spikes there is a ridge of bone or cartilage under the skin that points upward, just as the spikes do. I don't know if there is a proper term for this characteristic but I call them vertebral spikes. ---yeah, but not very much

On an adult male these bony protrusions under the skin, below the spikes are approximately 1/2 inch long (1.2 cm).
Females do not have this at all. ---what is that ???

the spikes at the base of the tail will get substantially higher, almost like a secondary dorsal crest --- a little bit

the femoral pores on the underside of the back legs will grow much wider, become darker and start to fill with a waxy like substance. -- never been aware of.

The femoral pores will feel bumpy compared to a females which will continue to stay small, smooth and indistinct. -- will check this later, i never noticed this

As the male dragon approaches adulthood you should notice that his body is also more triangular shaped ... upward triangular, and that the base of the tail is much more triangular than that of a female. -- that's quite vague

An adult females body is more rounded or pear shaped (especially in the abdominal area), and her tail should remain rounded in appearance. --- round tale and body..

If your dragon gets to be say, 5 inches snout to vent or longer, and it's total length is 18 or more inches and you haven't started to see some of these changes in appearance you most likely have a female dragon. -- not much changes

You can compare your dragon to pictures of definite males and females in the Water Dragon Photo Gallery. -- do you have pics?

Other question: is it possible that a female needs to leg eggs without having male-company

10-10-03, 06:55 AM
After looking at pictures of other dragons I'd almost definitely say it's a female. Big difference in adult males and females. Males are just so much more buffy looking among other visual clues. Here's a link to the main menu of the photo gallery on that site. Sex is listed for many of the pictures.


gelobte balwop
10-10-03, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by enso
Big difference in adult males and females. Males are just so much more buffy looking among other visual clues.

can you explain to this foreigner what buffy means? more colourfull ?

10-10-03, 07:58 AM
Male water dragons tend to have larger heads then yours does as someone else has said. I would also say that yours is a female,
Although i cant be 100% by the pics alone

10-13-03, 02:06 PM
If I had to cast a vote, it would be female. Can you provide a photo of the animals vent (femoral pore) area?

The dragon in my avatar was a 5 year old male.

10-26-03, 02:08 PM
my guess female

10-26-03, 02:21 PM
I would say female, but she does have a big crest in the back of her head, so could also be a small male.
Check the femoral pores, those do not lie, if they are back, it's a male, if they are the same color as skin, then it's a female

gelobte balwop
10-28-03, 04:08 PM
maybe this will help...

gelobte balwop
10-28-03, 04:12 PM
and number 2

gelobte balwop
11-05-03, 09:51 AM
i surely hope she is a she, cause i am getting a man next sunday