View Full Version : My Newest Addition: Elaphe!

10-10-03, 03:29 AM
Hey everyone.........it turns out the story was ALL mixed up with the "Milksnake."

First of all the guy caught it 2 weeks ago and is NOW giving it up. Second it isn't a milksnake.........haha.

When my dad walked in with the container I almost pee'ed myself with joy lolololololol


What do ya think? Black Rat Snake right? When I saw it thats the first thing that came out of my mouth. He/She is about 12'' and very tiny:) Not what I'm use to!!!!

The first thing I noticed with a Colubrid(I've always had Boids) is activeness!!!!! He's ALWAYS up and about!!!

Well thanks for looking what do you think of him??

10-10-03, 05:46 AM
Heres his/her cage!


10-10-03, 05:57 AM
Don, seeing as it is wild caught do you have it quarantined and are you going to go get a fecal done to test for parasites?

Nice looking snake!
A juvey black rat got into my wife's office after Hurricane Isabel. She was called down to save the office from a rattle snake that was chasing the girls in the hallway. The little thing was only 6" long and was hiding in a corner. She took it outside and released it into the woods unharmed :)

10-10-03, 09:12 AM
Yeah I'm quaratining and when I get him to feed I'll get a fecal done.......

Haha yep....on the newspaper he rattles and rears up at me....lots of guts for alittle guy~!

10-10-03, 09:48 AM
Looks good! You may want to get a more "secure" hide for him though. Something not as tall and more of a tight squeeze. :D Go buy a pack of Nerds or some other candy that comes in a small box. That would be about the right size hide for a small rat snake...

10-10-03, 10:07 AM
Haha I never thought of that! THanks alot...cause I LOVE nerds. Ill get them at the School Shop today!

10-10-03, 11:20 AM

10-10-03, 12:48 PM

Im gonna go out and get him/her a stick when I get home in like 40 minutes!

10-10-03, 08:51 PM
Great looking snake. :)

10-10-03, 09:45 PM
Nice! It's always funny when a tiny snake shows attitude like that :)

A question for you though, I don't know if anyone asked or not... since it was wildcaught, why wasn't it released?

10-12-03, 12:16 AM
well it was givin to me so i dont know but i want it so i dont want to release it. its on snake not like a den of babies

10-12-03, 08:46 PM
Releasing a snake isn't always the best thing to do, specially if it's not in the original area. you can contaminate the local population.

10-13-03, 03:48 AM
Yes I know that;)