View Full Version : Vine snakes

10-09-03, 08:18 PM
ive been looking at those snakes.... and im in love!!!.... ive been doing research for about 2 weeks.... but how much do they cost and how rare are they.. havent seen any

10-09-03, 08:38 PM
Where do you live... than i can help you with that...

10-09-03, 09:09 PM
i live in missauga ontario... in the clarkson area

10-09-03, 09:11 PM
they aren't easy to get in canada... what kind of vine snake? Ahaetulla, Oxybelis, Langaha or Thelorotnis (which i dont think anyone should have)?

10-09-03, 09:20 PM
green vine snake..... flying snake...also like ahaetulla froticincta

10-09-03, 09:33 PM
ahaetulla froticincta? those aren't in captivity, you will never see them. how ever you can get ahaetulla prasnia and nasuta in canada.. you want a flying snake? those are chrysopela. a little harder to get.

10-09-03, 09:37 PM
ive got the hooks.... got a nice 40 gallon tank... got all the requirments(temp and feeding).... ive got a spot ready away from any movement... i herd they can be skittish... i am aware of them being rear fanged and remotely dangerous. All i need is the snake... if only it was that easy!

10-09-03, 09:38 PM
do you breed any or know of anyone i could speak to about these bueties

10-09-03, 09:39 PM
i know u hav them... there gorgeous...ur a lucky man

10-09-03, 09:45 PM
i can probably help you get some WC ones...

10-09-03, 09:47 PM
how much... and how r they doing... parasites and mites?.... thanks 4 thinkin of me by the way

10-10-03, 10:03 AM
how much... depends really how cheap i can get them, they will more than likely be doing pooly, like most wild caughts.. i will try to get them healthy for you, but that might cost you a little more just because of what i will have to pay to get them healthy and better.

10-10-03, 12:13 PM
that sounds really good... but what do they usually go for?

10-10-03, 02:31 PM
if i were to just sell it to you direct, it would cost 50-100. If I were to treat it and get it fat and healthy, it would cost 120+ depending if i lost any in the prosess.

10-10-03, 02:46 PM
sorry, by the way... what is your experience with snakes?

10-10-03, 03:16 PM
my experience... well ive worked in the reptile department at a pet sotre... ive owned many types of snakes.... many kings and rats. ive had amazon tree boas, jcp's so i guess im ist to dodging bites. i hav handled a pgmy rattle snake with a hook. the snakes i own rite now is

corn snakes
black pine
yellow anaconda
burmese python
cal king
many other types of frogs and lizards

im trying to take my collection serious now by getting rid of my beginner snakes and only keep some difficult snakes. this is really why i want the vine snake.... not just because of its beauty but bec of the personal gain ill get.

10-10-03, 03:33 PM
oh ya... ive had lots of scorpions... liked breeding them so ive been stung before by asain forests...emps...desert hairys.... colbat blue trants and chileans. so although i do understand these bites and stings are remotely dangerous i can and do stay calm and know how to deal with it.... although if i get this snake im taking every precaution not to get bit!

10-10-03, 04:18 PM
is your name Adam?

10-10-03, 04:24 PM
ya y?

10-10-03, 04:43 PM
ok i know who you are now. have you looked at my website? there is info there and everything you need to know for these snakes to keep them alive... i will let you know if and when i can get them... and you are looking for ahaetulla right?

10-10-03, 04:45 PM
ya...u work at Port Credit...thanks it would be apprieciated... looked at ur website a few times..... ahaetulla sounds and looks really good

10-10-03, 08:35 PM
yeah, ahaetulla are BEAUTIFUL snakes... some people say that they look like a rough green snake that has had their head stuck in a pencel sharpener. but when you really look into them, they are AMAZING animals. i will let you know when or if i get them in.

Take care


10-10-03, 10:17 PM
im lookin at ur snakes rite now... and man am i really jealous. i really like that reddish one with the long nose. u hav a pic of it eating a lizard...really nice!!!!

10-10-03, 10:24 PM
thanks... thats a Langaha Nasuta from Madagascar.

10-10-03, 10:37 PM
if i can get one nice speciman to start me out i think i may get more.... they just look so different...... do they hav cannabilistic tendencies... can u keep the same species together?

10-10-03, 10:42 PM
you can keep ahetulla with ahaetulla and langaha with langana.. no mixing species

10-10-03, 10:50 PM
i wouldnt mix species... i don agree with it although it can be ok..... it just bugs me wen i see different snakes together... especially wen there from other countries...i donno...jus irritates me!

10-11-03, 09:29 AM
yep i know what you mean.... i have seen worse though.... somone kept a california king snake and a carpet python together, LOL. THATS JUST CRAZY!

10-11-03, 10:49 AM
lol....the worst ive seen is that person on ************** who keeps a ball python, yellow anaconda and a red tail boa in the same tank. they get along but that is still messed up!!

10-11-03, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by anacondaman
lol....the worst ive seen is that person on ************** who keeps a ball python, yellow anaconda and a red tail boa in the same tank. they get along but that is still messed up!!


10-11-03, 09:15 PM
im trying to take my collection serious now by getting rid of my beginner snakes and only keep some difficult snakes.

I see this a lot. Some of my first snakes were corns. I still have them. I've moved on to trickier species, but I haven't given up on corns. Easier to feed, easy to handle. It's nice to have something easy to deal with after battling with the "trickier" stuff.

There's a lot to be gained by keeping those beginner species. Don't give up on them.

There's a lot of "serious" herpers out there working with "beginner" snakes.

10-11-03, 11:51 PM
You do have a good point katt... but maybe his parents wont let him get more than that amount. and he wants to move on to harder snakes to keep, he might want to get rid of those "beginner snakes". but adam man, take it slow... you have lots of time to move in to harder things.

10-12-03, 10:51 AM
ur exactly rite!.... my mom is only letting me keep a certain amount snakes. So i want to get into more advanced snakes. ..... i want to expand my knowledge of snakes. plus i just really want those vine snakes!!!.... freakin beautiful!!!!