View Full Version : another shed question

10-09-03, 04:09 PM
I think my snake shed but I can't find the shed skin, why would that be?? Any ideas? I also found some feces so I know she is "regular". She looks much brighter than in recent days, her tail looks great, too bad I don't have a digi cam.

10-09-03, 04:43 PM
could be one of two things i can think of,
#1. if you have lots of bedding (like aspen or wood chips) then the skin could be under the substrate and hidden from view.
But more likely...#2 when a snakes eyes go blue from a build up of liquid before they shed..... this clears a day or two before it actually sheds, so maybe you havent waited long enough to check.
How long has it been since you last saw your snakes blue eyes?
its prolly just the day before its going to shed

10-09-03, 05:33 PM
its not #1 I checked all through the substrate. I don't know about the cloudy eyes, but afew days ago she was dull and her skin looked loose, now it doesn't and she looks bright and shiny??

I thihk she did shed though, cause when she was dull she wouldn't accept food, but tonight she smashed a rat pup and constricted it.

10-10-03, 08:22 AM
my snakes wont eat when there eyes are opaque because they cant see there food much (occasionally they will)
but they almost allways eat a day befor a shed when the eyes clear just be fore a shed.
But if you didnt even see there eyes go blue, then there probably not even in there slouth yet
hope that helps

10-10-03, 09:16 AM
I agree, your snake has probably not shed yet. If not, she should shed very soon. If she does nto shed within three days you may want to try giving her soak.

10-10-03, 05:08 PM
i was being impatient, last night she fed, soaked and shed, it came off in two pieces but when unravelled appeared to be all there (at least no visible signs of unshed skin on her anywhere).

PS she also had a big healthy bowel movement.