View Full Version : Ripleys believe it or not!

Solid Snake
10-09-03, 12:01 AM
tonites episode had a kid who breeded flys in his stomach and were comming out of his *****.

He didn't know how it got there and doctors say that they layed eggs on his ***** or something and hatched and went inside... i wonder what it ate inside of there.... kid said that he had pains in his stomach and went to go pee and flys flew out...:confused:

lol this is wiered and unbelievable.

i guess this kid should start wearing underwear!

10-09-03, 12:13 AM
LOL that would suck


10-09-03, 12:18 AM
that's weird... i dont know if its true, it doesn't sounds true... but i dunno!


10-09-03, 12:37 AM
Thats too far fetched for me to believe!!! it would be interesting to watch, just ofr ish and giggles.


10-09-03, 09:42 AM
Dont flies need oxygen? dont believe everything you see on television........ I dont think they would be hatching as they came out either.. Stomach acids would have a say in that as well?

Solid Snake
10-09-03, 10:51 AM
well everything on ripleys believe it or not is true this was also on the news too

10-09-03, 10:59 AM
i dunno, sounds pretty made up to me. I dont see how it oculd happen but if its true.. EWWWWW

10-09-03, 12:28 PM
Ahh man I cant imagine the pain lol.

10-09-03, 01:15 PM
haha--i love ripley's believe it or not. whether or not they're real, they're usually pretty well-told, interesting stories!

10-09-03, 01:59 PM
what the hell???

10-09-03, 02:40 PM
maybe they just live in his drawers and crawl up his bum for food and warmth...yuck

10-09-03, 03:17 PM
Actually, it is mentionned on the show's website (TBS)

"Airs: Saturday, October 11 at 9:00 AM ET
Here are some of the amazing stories featured
in episode 421.

Beetle Boy - A thirteen-year-old has been excreting winged beetles in his urine. Beetle eggs have hatched inside his body and are being expelled when he urinates."

That is freaky!!! OMG!

I LOOOVE living in Canada! No freaky bugs!! LOL


10-09-03, 03:47 PM
i saw that **** its crazy lol

10-09-03, 04:18 PM
You mean that's not supposed to happen? LOL! I don't know about the underwear thing either. To start with I find it restricting and sweaty, but aside from the discomfort normally associated with wearing underwear in this guy's case wouldn't it just keep the flies or beetles (whatever the hell they are) IN HIS GROIN AREA? That's all this guy needs. Maybe he should do that and then stick some cane toads down there too to eat up the flies and then like maybe a predatory bird of some kind could be used to take out the toads. It would be like having a little Australia in your pants.

10-09-03, 10:12 PM
A new reason to wear a condom..

I saw the show as well and it mentioned that the eggs were from a parasitic fly that lays eggs onto/into a host, ie human and after the eggs hatched on this guys Yingy Majig they two stepped right on up the..Canal? They also said it wasnt a new thing and is commonly encountered...

10-10-03, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by MouseKilla
It would be like having a little Australia in your pants.
Ha ha. That wouldn't be so bad would it? They have GTP's in Australia don't they?


10-10-03, 02:00 AM
lol this stuff is crazy... that kid will have a hard time getting a wife i know that for sure :D that has to suck....