View Full Version : caecilianS

10-08-03, 09:42 PM
how big of a tank does a caecilian need:grab:

Hamster of Borg
10-08-03, 10:57 PM
San Antonio zoo has a bunch in their rather impressive collection of off exhibit amphibians, they were keeping them in what was about the equivalent of a 15 gallon aquarium.... but I'm sure it couldn't hurt to go with something bigger for particularly large specimins.



10-13-03, 12:13 AM
what kind of animals do u have?

Kyle Barker
10-13-03, 06:18 AM
It depends on the species of caecilian... FINALLY another person into worms!:D

10-13-03, 09:02 AM
Where can you even get these guys? I thought perhaps their exportation/importation was restricted? I'd love to get a hold of some but I haven't seen any where I am for probably a half a dozen years.
Very cool critters!

10-13-03, 10:35 AM
i can pretty much get any type of caecilian i want.i love them they aree so interestin hey if u want to talk bout caecilians wit me u shold add me to msn .my email is....caecilians@hotmail.com

Kyle Barker
10-19-03, 07:32 PM
Maybe im lookin in all the wrong places, but i have found 1 in canada. I cant seem to find any (terrestrial) up here. Just them aquatic things.

10-20-03, 02:02 PM
they suck

Kyle Barker
10-21-03, 10:09 AM
HAHA i totaly agree... They just a finless fish :D