View Full Version : Have you ever lost?
10-08-03, 06:59 PM
I know back when I had my first snake in his first cage, he got out a lot. I always found him within three days, but it worried the hell out of me. Have you guys ever lost a snake this way? Or lost one for a long time and then found it weeks later? (alive) I used to tear the house apart looking, and then find him by accident. Its always so relieving when you finally find them. So, have you ever lost any snakes this way?
10-08-03, 07:09 PM
This thread is not a good idea. Just adds fuel to the "Snakes as pets" debate.
I've lost a few... my coastal carpet python once escaped and I found him on the top of the book shelf (in plain view... after I searched EVERYWHERE). I scolded him for a while, told him he shouldn't scare me like that (seriously!).
Other than that, a baby IJ escaped and showed up in my school bag at school (that was interesting).
And a CRB which I found in the garbage.
10-08-03, 07:16 PM
Ive never lost any of my snakes, oh man I hope I didnt just jinx myself! But a friend of mine has a hard time with a baby guyana boa that I gave her. That sucker is the biggest escape artist ever! I think the longest it was gone was about a month give or take a few days. It realy hasnt grown since I gave it to them but its not sickly looking neither.
10-08-03, 07:25 PM
Good point dave, but then any species of pet can escape. The stories of snakes coming up out of toilets are the ones that people remember though.
10-08-03, 07:26 PM
My snake room is sealed so even if one did get out it would be in the room some where.
10-08-03, 08:34 PM
My next door neighbour lost her Grey Banded king and she found it 3 or 4 weeks later in the printer of her computer.
Lost a Amazon tree boa...It is in my snake room somewhere...sealed room but I brought my tropical plants in from the outside and I think it is the plants and trees somewhere..I will find it soon I hope...left a dead mouse on the ground and it disappeared so the snake is still around ..just enjoying the
I think it is in the feeder freezer compressor area but I am too lazy to start moving that thing around
I lost a everglades rat for 9 months.
lost in the summer found in the spring, still in the house.
He must have found somwhere to hide for the winter LOL
10-08-03, 09:13 PM
i have lost a baby corn and a baby pue. milksnake. my two cats found both for me, just sitting there battin it back and forth. didn't hurt the snakes. i LOVEmy cats.
10-08-03, 10:05 PM
My cors got out twice when they were younger and I couldnt figure out how thay did it cause they werent strong enought to hold them sleves up to that hight. Then i caught them on thay at it. They were wraping themselves around each other, like a double helix. talk about team work.
With over two dozen in my house I've never had an escape. Some are in racks, the rest in naturalistic vivariums, all are escape proofed. We all know that snakes are escape artists. Precautions must be taken before accepting these animals into your homes. They don't want to be there and are usually good at not being found when "lost".
10-08-03, 10:40 PM
I lost my ball python twice the first time for about 6 weeks I found him in the bathroom.The second time he was gone for only 3 days.I found him in my bed.(not the first time a snake has ever crawled into bed with me lol).
Solid Snake
10-08-03, 11:48 PM
i lost my king snake one time and my mom FLIPED OUT!!!!!!!!!
my dad and i tore up my room, looking franticaly. i found my snake, dad found my drugs and secret stash of weed...:eek:
also last week my IJ carpet excaped and i found him inside my lazer printer, i ripped it up and saved him.
Gregg M
10-09-03, 08:12 AM
Well if my snakes ever escaped the cage they would not get out of the hot room...... If my snakes were to escape, it could mean death for anyone in the house........ So, no, I never had that problem before....... Put some lid locks on your cages....... Duh
10-09-03, 08:13 AM
luckly i haven't had any escapes from my snakes but i did have a leo get out of her enclosure. She escaped durning the night and i found her 10 min. after i woke up. She was hiding under the couch and she was a little chilly. Thank god we found her. Other than that nothing has escaped. Hopefully they never will!!!!
10-09-03, 09:33 AM
wow jayson thats funny i also lost an everglades for about six months and one day i accidently knocked one of my roof panels up and he fell out right on my head. lol
10-09-03, 01:36 PM
Huxley got out and it freaked the crap out of me. I found him about four or five hours after I noticed he was gone, a soap drawer, nonetheless. It makes a funny story now, but it was less than entertaining at the time (a group of researchers at Yale are thinking of turning my Huxley-escape story into a short screenplay to use in psychological experiments. heh heh.
10-09-03, 01:56 PM
lost my jungle x diamond python about 2 months ago...
have not seen hin since. it really sucks, my only male.
10-09-03, 02:15 PM
What a coincidence, a group of researchers at Yale have been doing something simillar with me. More of an article in a medical journal than a screen play in my case though.
10-09-03, 07:32 PM
Nope no escapee's yet! I think the only one that could actually escape is my little corn....but geeze! She's gotten SO big! She has atleast doubled in length/width since we got her (not even 2 months ago!) Why didn't anyone tell me they grow FAST.
10-09-03, 07:48 PM
I never lost a snake, but i did lose a blue tongued skink a few months back. He's about 2 ft. long and chubby and slow, but he got lost for 11 days! I found him stuck in the box spring under my bed. He was so fat he couldn't get out. He ended up being just fine, other than very thirsty and very hungry.
10-09-03, 08:36 PM
Just last week I lost one of my baby albino Okeetee corns. I was so frantic that--like a complete idiot--I tried to move the shelving the snake cages sit on to see if she was hiding under them. I bet you can guess that the top plastic container fell, plastering the floor with water and aspen shavings...AAAAAAAA! Luckily, the resident snake was startled, but OK.
I was so mad!!!
I realized I would need a dirty towel to clean up the mess, so I headed for the bathroom. I picked up the only dirty towel on the bathroom closet floor and underneath it was my escapee.
I still can't believe it happened this way. Had I not spilled soaked shavings all over the ground, I would not have found her so soon. I had planned to search the areas closest to the snakes first, including a closet with a heavy bookcase in it. She was at the room farthest away from the snake area.
Unbelievable! Total luck.
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