View Full Version : I Noticed My Dwarfs

10-08-03, 03:54 PM
they have been cup fed since i got them , and seem to do fine, eating most of what i put in. however, i noticed today that toki was standing ON the dish, looking in at the crix. well i cleaned it out, and dumped the 3 that were in there in, and she went at them like gang busters. she ate all 3 .. my question is more or less, why wouldnt she eat them out of the container when she was right there, but she went cray when i put them in.
i would normally not cup feed, but they live in a tank, and to clean out the crix at the end of the day would be too difficult to manage (trace knows what i am talking about).


10-08-03, 06:11 PM
im im not sure how big you cup thing is, but mayb her tongue isnt long enough and she doesnt want to go into the cup???? my chameleon doesnt like me putting things in a cup so he likes it when i hand feed, or when he hunts, the cirkets


10-08-03, 06:21 PM
the thing is, i know they do in fact eat out of the cup, because there is ALWAYS poop and of course less bugs, but i dont know why she went after the loose ones, when she was right in front of the ones in the cup?
werd i guess ... 6 months later and they both do look good :) i had them our for a half hour tonight, looking over them, comparing them, see if they had eggs, or if they had eaten ... they have their ribs showing quite a bit, but even the pics on adcham show quite clean ribs (prolly because the smallness of the specieS)
anyways .. thanks for your input meow