View Full Version : New job

10-08-03, 03:00 PM
I started training for a new job on Monday. Its not great but it will keep the snake in rats and me in beer so I can't complain too much.

10-08-03, 03:19 PM
Congratulations Mark! Good luck and I hope you have fun

Solid Snake
10-09-03, 12:06 AM
what kind of job? what will u be doing?

10-09-03, 12:19 AM
Yeah! You tell us you have a new job, but not as what?? TEASE!!


10-09-03, 12:33 AM
Have fun and good luck!!!


10-09-03, 03:57 PM
lol, nothin special, telephone support/customer service for the best buy web site.

10-09-03, 09:45 PM
Congratulations on your new job! Sounds like you're doing something very similar to what I'm doing....aside from working at the pet store, I'm also working at a technology company doing tech support and customer service for an internet provider. I'm sure we'll have some wonderful stories to share about humanities' rejects *L*

10-10-03, 05:22 PM
Reddragon: trust me I'm working with a bunch of them. I can't wait to get even more on the phone. I would love to work in a petstore. I hope the one you are at is one of the "better" ones around.

10-10-03, 08:28 PM
Oh, here's one for ya mark....I'm calling to do account information updates today, MOST people were quite helpful. All you'd have to do is give me your current CC expiry date so that we can continue providing you internet service, your current Email address, and to create a password with me for our new billing site. Well, everyone had no problem giving me their CC info, but, when I asked for them to create a password, some said, "No, I don't give passwords over the phone" Errr...ummm.... I have your CREDIT CARD NUMBER and you're worried about a stupid PASSWORD? *LMAO*!!!!!! :rolleyes: