View Full Version : for the Calgarians

10-07-03, 12:01 PM
Just in case you haven't heard, the Calgary Zoo has an adult program running this month (Oct 22) that is called "Pet First Aid - Reptiles and Amphibians" and it only costs $20.


Try this link. Otherwise, go to the calgary zoo website and look under adult education programs. The zoo vets will be talking about preventing illness and injury in your pet and the proper restraint techniques for an injured animal. There will be slides and live animals.

10-07-03, 12:47 PM
Cool, good post. I might just have to check that out. Mark I.

10-07-03, 01:21 PM
I think I just might have to check that too. Thanks Choriona :)

10-07-03, 09:19 PM
I'm definitely interested in checking that out, thanks for the info choriona.

10-08-03, 12:17 AM
Know what I like about this (other than its a really really good thing)? I like that its not a another "ban" announcment. Which is usually the case with public-oriented things. This is being put on by the city's zoo to teach people how to KEEP reptiles. How cool is that?
VERY cool in my books. :D

10-08-03, 01:05 PM
Hey Jeff, in reguards to the overall coolness, one must remember we are Calgarians afterall, LOL Mark

10-09-03, 08:53 PM
*LOL* Mark! Yes, Calgarians do rule! :D