View Full Version : albino rock pythons

Retic chic
10-06-03, 06:56 PM
Is anybody working with these? It is the next rock python I would want to add to the collection. I have not been able to locate a picture, much less a breeder. Is it possible they don't exist?

10-06-03, 07:04 PM
Is it possible they don't exist?

it is very possible. rock pythons are not very popular on the market and not many breeders even breed African rock pythons. the only morph i know of is the patternless African rock python. In most cases albinos are WC then breed to normals then the hets are breed back to the the albinos. i don't know of any cases where a person actually produced a albino for 2 normals just as a fluke. the odds would be greatly stacked against that. but you never know.

10-06-03, 07:07 PM
http://www.bobclark.com/images/animals/african_patternlesseggs.jpg here is a patternless

10-06-03, 07:13 PM
wow, i've never seen anything like that before...

10-06-03, 10:45 PM
prehistoric pets actually has pinstriped afrocks aswell as the patternless. But no albino yet.

10-14-03, 09:35 PM
Mike that is a awesome looking Rock


10-26-03, 12:14 AM
Prehistoricpets.com once advertised a het for albino rock (be the first to breed albino rocks)

10-28-03, 02:49 PM
I spoke with Bob CLark and he informed me via e:mail that the only morphs of Rock's available are:
Hypomelanistic, Patternless and pinstripe.

I dunnno about you but I trust his word on this. I to am looking to work with something new and different and rocks are one of the few things left. If het albino do exist I will halves with anybody interested on a pair :)