View Full Version : basic question about woods and treating wood

10-06-03, 02:26 PM
Going to buy some plywood for an enclosure but i'd like to treat it so it doesnt offgass. I know ply is made up of softwoods i believe, so i need to treat the wood before hand. any suggestions?

10-06-03, 05:10 PM
you can buy ply made from hardwoods. you still need to coat it though.

10-06-03, 06:58 PM
Either polyurethane or a low VOC epoxy is fine for sealing plywood. Just be sure to let it air out thoroughly so that there's no longer a detectable odor from the sealant before letting your herp live there.

10-06-03, 11:19 PM
<a href="http://www.niacoat.com/Specifications/epoxal3-1.htm">This</a> is what I use and I absolutely love it! I find it very easy to work with, cures hard as rock, is touch dry in hours, odourless in a day, can hold water at 72 hours, and fully cures in 5 days. You can get it tinted or clear, and actually turns out to be cheaper than a urethane :D

10-06-03, 11:22 PM
Linds, where do you buy it and how much does it cost?


10-06-03, 11:30 PM
It's available from Niagara Protective coatings and it runs $30 something for a half gallon and $60 something for a full gallon. It is not a thick substance, and easily goes in to nooks and crannies and also goes much further than most other coatings.

10-07-03, 06:56 AM
Cool, I picked up almost the exact same thing, just a different name. Thanks alot for all the tips guys.. Happy herping.