View Full Version : worst snake

10-06-03, 01:50 PM
me and a couple of friends wer arguing bout the worst big snake. By worst i meen... size... temperment.... messy etc......
Now don get me wrong... i hav the upmost respect for all these big snakes and i know there is alway exception to every snake. I also know that they can all be rewarding snakes to keep but anways... i say the worst is the green anaconda... my other friend says african rock... wut do u guys and gurls think?

10-06-03, 01:52 PM
I would say the afrock.


10-06-03, 01:54 PM
Ya i would say rock just because i dont know to much about anacondas..

10-06-03, 02:53 PM
i would go with the green andacanda. but it depends on a case-to-case basis. but green andicands are much heaver and stronger than a african rock. plus an andaicana being a very aquatic snake whould be a Bi*ch to keep and clean but i realy dont know anything about what they need husbandry wise.

10-06-03, 03:41 PM
on an average the afrock has the worst temperment!! which IMO would make it the worst to keep, Both snakes can attain a dangerous size

10-06-03, 04:03 PM
There is no worst snake just. levels of experiance requierd for keeping these animals.

just because one is more messy or snappy then another snake does not make it worst to keep cause if a person is ready to deal with what the snake needs then it realy dosent matter.

but if it a Newbie that jumps in with a blind fold on then of corse one will seam worst.

But if you are asking what animal is a bit more demanding in time and care requierments.

Then it is the anaconda simply because they need a cage with a pool in it and as Adults they need a realy big swiming pool. With a larg swiming pool comes the resposabilitys of mantainig the proper Ph levels so that there is not to much urin in the pool at any given time. You need to back washthe pond every day.(removing half the water and replacing it with fresh water.)
and that is on top of all your daily tasks ( spot cleaning monitoring temps and humidity then making the proper adjustments if need be.) So as you can see it is all realy basic stuff but it needs to be done and we are not even discusing the fact that some Anacondas can not like seeing you in there enclosure so while you are doing you daily routine you must alwase be on you guard. witch makes it that much harder on your brain....LOL A large snappy Anaconda can make you sweat.

Marc Doiron

10-06-03, 05:09 PM
i still stick with green anacondas....... hav u ever been musked by one of them....talk about foul!!!!!!!

10-06-03, 08:53 PM
I have to say green anaconda are the worst. Pearsonaly my baby bci is the worst snake i have. She has the tempermant of a cobra and the speed of a vine snake

Scales Zoo
10-06-03, 09:21 PM
I like both snakes.

At least with Afrocks, you know they are likely cranky. They also bite like a python, striking out at you.

Anacondas on the other hand, seem to be doing good, then they give you a fast series of whacks from the side before you knew you could be bit in tha position.

Also, the saliva of anacondas is coagulative - and I bruise really bad from bites from babies.

I trust the nasty African rock more, because I can predict it.

There are "tame" Anacondas, but I've never seen one yet.


10-06-03, 09:46 PM
I'm in a toss up in between afrocks and green anacondas.

10-06-03, 10:52 PM
Well both snakes are still not really captive bred yet. The afrock is starting to be bred more so I would say docile ones will be readily available sooner or later. Anacondas aren't usually captive bred just yet either. All these nasty ones are generally WC. Look at retics,they got a nasty *** reputation cause of the WC that were brought into the trade years back. Get a CB retic and you can have a docile snake. I think the same will happen with these both these two large constrictors.

But on topic I would say afrock is the worse.

10-08-03, 07:18 AM
I would say the green anaconda. Like Ryan said, you know where you stand with the afrock, but with the annies, they can be tame most of the time and then just snap out of nowhere. IMO, that is the cause of the majority of accidents involving giant boids.

Retic chic
10-08-03, 07:56 AM
Depends on the temperment of each snake. Right now, the anaconda is the worst we have, just because she is unpredictable. She will be fine for a while being handled, and then bite you repeatedly when you try to put her back down.When she gets bigger, I will use a trap box (if she will go into it - some of the snakes you need it most for refuse to cooperate)
The afrock is temper-mental, but very predictable and we use a trap box on her. Ryan used to hook ad tail her, but he stopped when he had seen enough of the inside of her mouth. I HATE being bit, so I avoid handling her at all - she only had to bite me once for me to figure out a way to avoid that kind of confrontation.

10-08-03, 08:54 AM
Well, I read in the past issue of reptiles that a King Cobra is not an esay snake to keep.

It as rapid metabolism so it poops all the time and likes spray it's feces pretty much evertwhere and it need a big enclosure so doesn't make cleaning simple.

Personaly I know nothing about this snake, but must be a pain to clean a large enclosure almost daily and having to manipulate this 10 + feet cobra everytime in order to access the cage.


10-09-03, 11:52 AM
I've never dealt with an annie but I have been around a big rock and it gets my vote.

10-09-03, 12:37 PM
I cant say I havent owned enough. SO i dont feel i can spe3ak about this.

But from what Ive heard id say the A rock......

10-14-03, 12:49 PM
ive never ahd the plaesure of keeping either but from what ive been told i would have to say a/rock i love them to bit and would love to have one but im still in the process of studying up on them before i go and buy one...but the stories ive heard..got to be the rock

10-25-03, 01:58 PM
I would say this. I know overall that both Snakes are usually bad tempered. I own a 1 Year old 5 1/2 foot Green Anaconda and has never tried to bite me except the very first day I got her when she got tangled up in her bag. I dont blame her I would of done the same. She is captive bred and since day one has never even thought about biting me. She is easy to handle seeming to enjoy it. I would have to say the African Rock python is the worst of the two and in fact I would tie my Green Anaconda as being the tamest tying the Burmese Python. I do truly have one of a kind Green Anaconda.

10-25-03, 02:04 PM
burnham187 Wanna sell her?! LOL
I own a rock and a conda and my Rock is way tamer!! It all depends on the indivual snake IMO. On average though I think rocks are more easily pissed off then condas.

10-25-03, 02:49 PM
I love conda's got any pics Sunrunner?? The only ones I have of mine are posted on this site so you can see them. How large is yours? Is it a male or female?? Mine is a female and is eating medium sized rats. Have you had any problems getting yours to eating Rats? Mine would not go near them at first it took a lot of work to get her to go from mice to Rats. You would think if she would eat mice she should easily accept rats well not her it took alot of feeding her a mouse then following down a rat to get her going. I hope it is not as difficult going from Rats to Rabbits.