View Full Version : new snake :D ( pics )

10-06-03, 09:24 AM
so yesterday I bought this little guy.. he's from 05/2003
apperently he is a 100% for sugar... ( I saw sugars there but didnt really like them .. but I liked this guy so who cares )

I've named him Gijs, although I really should have called him gonzo ( muppets show )

In real life he's really lightly coloured but I cant really get it on the pic.. he's also in shed.. his eyes where almost normal yesterday and today.... well just look at the pic I've posted from it.. that speaks for it self :P


10-06-03, 10:22 AM
Great new bp ikke! I hope you didn't get it from the same place as your last ones.

10-06-03, 10:31 AM
what a cutie. :) i second dave, though, I hope this one is from a different location (and in isolation from your other snakes). Remember to wash your hands after handling your new snake and before handling old ones to avoid cross-contamination.

what is a sugar bp? I've never heard of that morph before.

10-06-03, 10:44 AM
no actually he is from some breeder from paris :P

yesterday there was a snakeday here in holland.. and breeders from all over europe came.. thats where I got him, hi is indeed in isolation...

and a suger ball.. well they looked kinda strange.. had alot of white just like a low white piebald but on the places where it had a normal colour it was asif a fungus was growing on there.. it was full of white and pink speckles.. I forgot to bring my cam so couldnt make a pic of them... but really they werent very.. nice.. different but not my kind of taste... but I fall in love with this guy who is a brother of thoose sugers they had with them and didnt really care that he was a 100 % het... ...

10-06-03, 12:14 PM
Cute! So creepy when their eyes go blue........

10-06-03, 04:04 PM
Awesome BP, the second pic would make a awesome avatar!!! :D


10-06-03, 06:33 PM
That's a real nice BP Ikke!! I second Steve - that would make an excellent avatar! I love it when they get blue eyes :)

10-06-03, 08:18 PM
he is so cute looks like the one im buying! ;)

10-06-03, 08:23 PM
Congrats on the new addition! :) Best of luck with him....

10-06-03, 08:32 PM
Great looking BP. I really love the head shot of him in shed, he looks very evil. :D

10-07-03, 04:18 AM
thx for all your reply's.. it would indead make a great avatar... but i am still happy with my present avatar :P