View Full Version : Tokay question (again)

08-01-02, 07:00 AM
Okay, I need help sprucing up our tokay enclosure a little. I need ideas of things I can put in there that they would actually climb on. I don't wanna do live plants. Also, I need sime hidey hole ideas, but my bf doesn't want them to hide all the time and never come out, so is there a way to accomplish that?

08-01-02, 07:35 AM
I find that tokays don't nessecarly require hide boxes, when I see them in hiding, its mainly under a branch or on a wall behing folliage.

I would suggest putting losts of folliage, wether live or plastic. You will be able to see them fairly easilly and they will get security behing them by thinking that there hidden.. This method has worked for us very well .. Just this year we have gotten over 12 new babies that have been seperated .. (not for sale)

Hope it helps,


Tom P
08-01-02, 09:27 AM
I agree with Dom, Lots of foliage, Live, plastic or even silk. I have tons of silk plants in my tokay enclosure. They think they are hidden, but you can usually see them, plus, I have noticed that they seem to drink more off the foliage than the wall. Other than that, I have large rocks ( 6 - 8 inch) at the bottom, so they can REALLY hide if they want to. But 80% of the time, they are on the walls in the plants.