View Full Version : Beta chip in Alberta

10-06-03, 01:00 AM
Does anyone know of a supplier of Beta Chip or Aspen Chip in Alberta?


10-07-03, 10:42 AM
Funny you should ask, I wrote the manufacturer and asked about Alpha and Beta chip and here is their reply:

the closest distributor to Calgary that handles our products is in Le Duc, Alberta and is called Canadian Lab Diets. Their phone number is 780-980-1371 and the contact is David Belter. The plant location of ours that ships them does not manufacture Alpha Chip, so Canadian Lab Diets cannot provide that product, but they can get Beta Chip and another hardwood chip bedding from Aspen wood that we call Aspen Chip.

I haven't called yet but I will soon.


10-13-03, 01:12 AM
Thanks for the reply Ron....... please let me know what they say when you call them. If they have reasonable prices and shipping, I may have to see about getting some (for my sand boas).


10-14-03, 01:47 PM
Hi Dawn,

I spoke to Dave and they don't normally carry Beta Chip but they can get it in (takes 4 weeks). They carry Aspen Chip all the time and I may be getting a delivery next week. I have to meet him while he is doing his big deliveries.

It is $11.90/2.5 cu ft bag.
