View Full Version : What new acquisitions are you thinking about lately?
10-05-03, 07:13 PM
Okay I am officially bored so I decided to start this thread. I was curious what everyone has on their "I gotta get one of those" list these days.
10-05-03, 07:26 PM
Well I NEED a female mid-baja rosy boa but I WANT pairs of any other rosy boa local I can get my paws on.
crested gecko, viper tailed gecko, bearded dragon, a male blizz leo to breed w/ my female :)
10-05-03, 07:35 PM
i want more monkey tail skinks!!i love these guys
10-05-03, 07:38 PM
Really having trouble deciding between these 3:
Brazilian Rainbow Boa
Pair of Ball Pythons
Pair of Amazon Tree Boas
Maybe I should flip a coin....
Bull snakes!!! I wouldn't mind some southern pines and black rats as well!
yes, snakelet, a 3 sided coin:D hehe
10-05-03, 07:58 PM
Bah, whatever ;)
There are a billion things on my future list. That won't be for quite some time though due to space constraints. Right now I just wish to pair up what isn't already paired up so that leaves me with...
1.0 Colombian BCI
1.0 Hog Isle BCI
0.0.1 ATB
1.0 Apricot Pueblan Milksnake
10-05-03, 08:12 PM
1.1 apricot peublan's
1.1 hondo's
1.1 ATB
1.1 Chinese Golden Scorpions
I want some amazon tree boas and more corns. then there's a whole list of other things i want too.
10-05-03, 09:36 PM
hondos sound pretty good right about now. I guess that santa better have alot of room for herps this year, lol. Myself I would like a JCP. If I really cut loose, I'd say that I want just about everything mentioned in the thread and I could probably come up with a hundred more besides lol . Monkeytailed skinks hmmmmmmmmm puts that in the top ten at number three
10-05-03, 09:49 PM
Well tonight my picks would be a Hogg Island Boa, a Veiled Chameleon and a pair of Western Hognoses
But who knows what I'll want tomorrow
Oedura monilis Velvet Geckos, I have a male that I got from Diana at the show and hes awsome! I also need White Lined Geckos.
10-05-03, 10:11 PM
i just got another bp, so i'm not going to be getting another snake anytime soon. But when Huxley is bigger and moves out of his 20L, I think I'll put a rosy in there. That's the only immediate plan that I have, although I have an extensive wish list.
10-05-03, 10:27 PM
any one of us has a wish list as long as their arm lol
At the moment, I have my eye on a baby redtail, or if that falls through, a ball python. After that though, definitely one of Jeff's BRBs...
Solid Snake
10-05-03, 10:43 PM
well mine are ETB, GTP and a retic!
though i can't afford an etb or gtp right now i could get a retic. i had one but didn't have proper care of him so i had to let him go.
but when i have my own place and have the time and money i will get those 3!
10-05-03, 11:21 PM
0.1 Luesistic Texas Rat
1.0 BP
1.1 JCP's
1.1 Guyanese Red Tails
1.1 ATB
Most of these will be in the distant future unless I get a damn good job but I can still dream.
10-06-03, 01:57 AM
1.0 albino labranth burm
0.1 blood python
10-06-03, 02:28 AM
My next adition will be a Green Anaconda
I will be one more step closer to my dream to have all 10 ofthe world's giant snakes
10-06-03, 09:35 PM
I MUST get:
1.1 BRBs
1.1 Olive Pythons
1.1 Guyanans
1.1 Pueblan Milks
1.1 Tangerine Hondos
1.1 Rosie Boas
1.0 Bibrons Gecko
0.1 Rose Hair Tarantula
1.1 Leos
1.1 Beardies
That's all I want within the next few months... there's TONS more on my wish list
10-06-03, 10:00 PM
All I want for christmas is my two front teeth.. =B
I wish for a white lipped python and uhmm..I wish for more money to buy more snakes.. =B I wish for all my snakes to be happy and healthy forever.. Amen.
10-06-03, 10:07 PM
that other thread was a wish list,, this would be more realistically, what are we planning to pick up soon...
myself, im getting an IJ pretty soon
10-06-03, 10:14 PM
0.1 Mexican Black King
1.1 Apricot Pueblan Milks
1.1 Kenyan Sand Boas
1.0 Ball Python
10-06-03, 10:29 PM
I would really love to free up enough cash for a cb 1:1 coxi pair, everytime I see them I want them worse
10-06-03, 10:53 PM
On my list for next year is....
1.1 Tarahumara mnt kings
1.0 Pastel Jungle bp's
1.1 BRB's
1.0 Pueblan Milks (to make a pair)
1.2 Grey banded kings
1.1 Hypo Hondos
CHanges day to day though... ;)
1.3 Thayeri
1.1 Alterna (blair's)
0.1 Woma
0.1 ATB
1.1 Asian Vine
10-06-03, 11:25 PM
0.1 piebald ball python, 0.1 chiliean rose hair tarantula, emperor scorpian, leopard gecko, BRB, BCI, Indian Star Tortoise, black corn snake, ghost corn snake, whites tree frog...........thats all I can think of that I "gotta have one of those" list.....but definitly don't have the money or space!
lilyskip, I'd like to see a pic of your new bp, I musta missed the thread about her if you put one up!
10-06-03, 11:35 PM
ya i had no clue that u got a new one either
10-06-03, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by sapphire_moon
lilyskip, I'd like to see a pic of your new bp, I musta missed the thread about her if you put one up!
hehe, you caught me :D i'm a lazy bum. i'll post some pics in the bp thread right now. :)
I am gonna get 1 albino ball python, in nov. I am gonna get 1 pair of hognose's .. ehm a few more chondro's and thats about it
10-07-03, 11:07 AM
I want a corn snake really bad! I would also LOVE to get my gf a leo. A BCC or BCI will be down the road a bit. I would also love a few more bps. GIMME GIMME!
I am shopping for:
0.1 hypo tang leo (or more)
1.0 LTR
Wish list:
1.1 bangkas
0.1 albino green burm
1.1 pimbura
Getting as soon as possible (ie as soon as I can afford snakes and enclosures):
1 ball python
1.1 corns (preferably butters, but maybe anerys)
Hoping to get over the next year:
1 (or pair) Mexican Black King
1 (or pair) Honduran Milksnake
Saw for sale, and thinking very seriously about::
0.0.1 Vietnamese Blue Beauty
Really want, but not ready for:
1 Green Tree Python
Big hurdle is finding room for more snakes in my 2 bedroom apartment that is already housing 4 humans, 2 cats and a corn.
BRB, Whites Tree Frog, Western Hognose, Hypo Honduran Milksnake, Malayan Horned Frog, Albino Chacoan Horned Frog, Dendrobates Auratus, the list could go on and on.
I actually may have to put a hold on these as my husband is thinking about going back to school full time. Ahh, another big move. Oh well, it'll be fun!
male false water cobras; my females need love :(
10-07-03, 03:13 PM
another pair of salmon boas, a pair of albino boas when
i sell my babies and a pair of green tree pythons...
cant wait !!!
10-07-03, 06:26 PM
Daver, I think I'm going to be getting a BCI very soon :) A ittle sooner than I planned but when the right deal on a good looking snake comes along you just got to go for it lol
As for getting another BP, well I have so far successfully restrained myself from buying one lol. I'm l am so addicted , it isn't funny
10-07-03, 06:42 PM
a pair of amazon tree boas, a green anaconda, 6 cornsnakes, and more! lol
Marc and Lucie
10-22-03, 09:33 PM
well i have a pair of ball pythons, they are great i am getting a red tail boa and i want to get a mexican black corn snake i like them cause they are all black even the mouth
10-22-03, 10:43 PM
lol,i myself have a long to buy list,but here's a couple things i REALLY want,first off is a few more monkey-tailed skinks these guys are so cool!!second would be a few blue-tongued skinks!next would be a few very-high-end super hypo tangerine baldies! next would be one of Moose's giant albino leo's!and a male cornsnake for my female!
I'm adopting an iguana soon.
um of my wish list is a house so i can have room for a burmese python...albino... I also want an indigo snake and a green tree python, and an iguana and some tortoises and actually a really big aquarium with some cat fish ...and while I'm on the subject a sturgeon... They have one at the u of m and its huge!!!!...i like big things...small things can hide:(
10-23-03, 02:30 PM
Everything on all the lists above can be added to mine. I want them all!
10-23-03, 09:19 PM
lets see, i have no money, 1 ball python and i want : BRB, CJP, BCI, Rosy boa, Corn snake are the ones i am thinking of buying, but i would take any snake someone could give me! (witht he exception of rock, burmese, retic, conda etc....)
Skink Keeper
10-23-03, 11:32 PM
hmmm. first off a few more monkey-tails, a pair of Northern Blue tongues,another 3 toed box turtle, another red foot tortoise, a dwarf caimen and a monitor species TBA, too bad i'm currently unemployed, but once i start my apprenticeship i can finally afford to cut that list down.
If I aquire anything this winter it will probably be the flu.
I am just all out of time and space when it comes to pets at this moment! But hey things change, especially for extra cute animals! hehehe
10-24-03, 07:26 AM
Well, I should definitely be getting 0.0.1 ATBs, just waiting for the breeder to write me back with a total. And there's another ATB I want from him. (My first choice, but it's being a picky feeder. So we'll wait and see how it does)
And I have a sneaking suspicion that I will leave the show next week with either a Kenyan Sand Boa (probably axanthic) or a Rosy Boa of some sort. Beyond that, I am holding out on one of Yasser's IJs next year.
That, my friends, will put me at nine, and I am resolute to hold the numbers under ten. ::grin::
10-24-03, 05:36 PM
Good luck holding at a specific number or snakes, lol. I have to be really disciplined or I'd have a dozen by now. I have postponed plans for most of my gotta get list and probably get a banana king that I spotted awhile ago. I'll leave it to fate, if it's still at the shop where I found it in two or three weeks, I'm going to buy it .
I'm going to a show in Tampa next weekend and am hoping to get a brb or a female borneo to go with my male.
A few that I will definately be getting in the next 6 months are:
Veiled or Jacksons Chameleon
Peachthroat Monitor
I will start building cages within about a month.
Black Mamba
10-28-03, 07:26 PM
I'd like to get a BRB sometime in the near future.
10-28-03, 08:42 PM
does anyone know of a breeder of blood pythons in victoria?
10-28-03, 08:47 PM
I finially have a perect set of reps imo.. a little bit of everything :) and right now i have a nice schedule and its easy to maintain everything..but i still want a chameleon..i might have to gain a little more stress if i get one but i am thinking to get one in the also getting a leopard at the show.
10-28-03, 10:30 PM
OK, wish list...
1.1 Leopard Rat snakes (e. situla)
1.1 Japanese Forest Rat Snake (e. conspicillata)
1.1 Nicaraguan BCI (an anery and a blood phase)
1.0 Mexican Black King snake (to pair w/existing)
1.0 Coastal Carpet- I'd love to bring a jag home to the lonely girl
1.1 Dumerils Boas
and for lizards
1.1 Shinisaurus Crocodilurus- I miss my crocodile lizard!
reptiles I'm currently keeping: 1.0 Taiwanese Beauty Snake, 1.1 BRBs, 2.2 Mandarin Rat Snakes, 0.1 Coastal Carpet Python, 0.1 Mexican Black King Snake, 1.1 red/brown African House Snakes, 1.1 black/green African House Snakes
10-28-03, 10:57 PM
definetly going to get another ball, but i'm hoping to get either a jcp or a brb in the next year
10-29-03, 04:17 AM
I have a pair of 100% het piebald ball pythons that will arrive today (10/29), and after this I am pretty sure my next will be a Brazilian Rainbow Boa. No idea when -- I'm running out of space :p
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