View Full Version : Need tips, on getting a WC BP to EAT !

07-31-02, 07:56 PM
I just got a Wild Caught BP from someone who didn't have time to care fo it. But he had only been force feeding the snake and it is pretty skinny. I want the snake to eat on it's own b/c it would be healthier for the snake and lower my stress levels.

07-31-02, 08:02 PM
i have heard of bps going 6months w/o eating. One thing you can try is put him in a small encloser with the mouse or rat (DEAD ONLY) and leave them their for 24 hours in the dark (cover with a sheet or something). You can also try braining the rodent first. Piercing the head to expose brain matter. GL keep us informed

07-31-02, 08:23 PM
Make sure you heat the food up good, by putting the mouse / rat in a plastic bag and submerging it in hot water for a couple minutes, untill the rodent is really warm... then dangle it infront of the animal and he should take it if its really warm... taunt him with it...

07-31-02, 08:56 PM
instead of force feeding try assist feeding, gently pry the snakes mouth open with the nose of the rodent and just push it in a bit not far most times the snake will continue to swallow the rodent...it's very simple, and i think it would ease your stress levels knowing the snake is eating..........good luck

07-31-02, 09:36 PM
My male went 10 month without eating and he start eating on his own, no assist-feed, no force feeding. Try a dead dark gerbil, feed at night and try freachly killed.

08-01-02, 03:21 AM
Well, look...we all know some snakes, especially WC's will only eat live, and un fortunately, we have to turn to this sometimes. You have to be careful, watch closely, and be prepared with tongs to remove the rodent if needed. Ive had a fewLTC WC's and to this day, they only eat live. Its just the nature of the snake. Dont get me wrong, I feel all my snakes f/t...except these few WC bp's who will only take live. Make sure he has a hide, leave him completly alone for a week. Try at 11 o'clock at night. Arm your self with a flashlight and tongs and try a LIVE mouse. Keep a close eye, but instead of force feeding and or assist feeding, feed live. Its less stress on the snake, and at least he is feeding on his own. I never condone feeding live unless you think you need to force feed before trying live. A live rodent will just do the trick sometimes. Yes there are risks...but more so with force feeding. Just as I said...DO NOT LEAVE IT. Stay in the dark room, stay out of the snakes sight, but in sight of the cage. Shine the flachlight to the side if the cage, not on it, just enough so you can see whats going on. Ans drop in the mouse. Saty as long as you are permitted to. Once he takes it, leave quietly. If he never takes it, open the cage and get the rodent out by the tail with the tongs. I have yet to have a mouse "attack" one of my snakes, but then again, I NEVER LEAVE THE SIGHT OF THE CAGE WHILE FEEDING LIVE.!! But, thank GAWD its only a few of my snakes...lol
Please Try everything else they have suggested first, and try this last. But by no means rule out that you may have to try live. It happens from time to time.

Good luck!

08-01-02, 06:53 AM
I agree with Koleen. Our BP will only eat live dark gerbils. The good thing is that she's not picky about it being dark or anything, so we can do it anytime of the day and it's easier to keep an eye on them. Gerbils seem to be much fiestier than mice, so we're canstantly using a coat hanger or something to keep the gerbil from hurting her. Normally it goes pretty well!

jason h
08-02-02, 09:49 PM
well ive had a wc bp that never ate ft till this year (ive had her for 11) and she used to not eat unless the mouse or rat had alot of white on it, but i agree with jeff except that i would not put it in a bag to warm it up i would just put it in the warm water the wet rat or mouse has a stronger sent than one just warmed in the bag ifeed all my snakes wet feeders and have no problem , though the same bp also goes 8-9 months during winter that she will not eat anything wc are notorious for being hold outs but unless he or she is really skinny i wouldnt panick it will eventually eat but if your gettingh very worried go for the assisted feeding just watch yer fingers lol. good luck ;)

08-09-02, 01:41 PM
im having problems with my bp too he doesn't want pinkies that much but hes to small for anything else

08-10-02, 01:20 AM
BeHeMoTh .. try a small fuzzy. When I got my BP he was the same way. He sort of tasted the pinky and seemed interested, but wouldn't eat it. Then I tried a fuzzy and WHAM .. he whacked it right away. As long as the fuzzy isn't bigger around than your snake, he can take it.

08-10-02, 06:38 AM
k thanx alot for the tip

08-11-02, 11:28 AM
We got him to eat all we had to do was put him in the right enviroment and he ate with no problem. Thanks for all of your suggestions everyone. Apparently the old owner had only been force feeding him for some reason. but everything is cool now,THANX!

08-11-02, 02:57 PM
Sweet! good to know its eating!