10-04-03, 12:24 PM
Hi there all you boa lovers:
As promised I got a few pictures of these 2 great lovers in there romantic love story. These photos were taken at 3 am on Tuesday September 30, 2003 in the dark in room #3 where Cleopatra and Ramses and most of my larger boids live. It was kinda weird having to sneak up on them and be a paparottizii and take a few shots flashing them up in the matting scene. But I am so happy and proud of them. Its been awhile a long while growing them up and getting them ready for this term in there life and all I can do now is allow them there peace and timing and crossing fingers with wishful thinking and praying they complete the full cycle of life in my hobby with having a few babies from them.
Well the story goes like this.
Introduced them a few days before just because I wanted to see there reactions to each of them in a single cage. They have not interacted with each other in almost 2 years before as yearlings themselves. What I mean is placing them in photos together or letting them have play time outside there cages. But this moment together as adults went well they studied each other for about 2 days and then I separated them till Cleopatra had her shed and finished digesting her last 4 lbs rabbit. Once she shed and defecated I placed Ramses with her in her cage and started seeing in minutes a serious attraction. Unlike before they curled up to each other and stayed motionless for about a few hours.
But after a few hours they have been doing the copulation scene for hours each day since. The wraping of tails and the every so often jerking of Ramses is rather something really neat to see in person. I wish I got pictures of the spur stimulation as well. I thought Ramses had some large spurs but when they are active you can really see there size and range of motion.
Well its been a few days and this scene happens every day and I hope nature takes its course and provides me a new generation of baby Columbian Redtail Boas from my big beauties Ramses and Cleopatra.
Crossing fingers and hoping this works out.
Thank you everyone for your time and interest in this post and my boas and there matting.
Hi there all you boa lovers:
As promised I got a few pictures of these 2 great lovers in there romantic love story. These photos were taken at 3 am on Tuesday September 30, 2003 in the dark in room #3 where Cleopatra and Ramses and most of my larger boids live. It was kinda weird having to sneak up on them and be a paparottizii and take a few shots flashing them up in the matting scene. But I am so happy and proud of them. Its been awhile a long while growing them up and getting them ready for this term in there life and all I can do now is allow them there peace and timing and crossing fingers with wishful thinking and praying they complete the full cycle of life in my hobby with having a few babies from them.
Well the story goes like this.
Introduced them a few days before just because I wanted to see there reactions to each of them in a single cage. They have not interacted with each other in almost 2 years before as yearlings themselves. What I mean is placing them in photos together or letting them have play time outside there cages. But this moment together as adults went well they studied each other for about 2 days and then I separated them till Cleopatra had her shed and finished digesting her last 4 lbs rabbit. Once she shed and defecated I placed Ramses with her in her cage and started seeing in minutes a serious attraction. Unlike before they curled up to each other and stayed motionless for about a few hours.
But after a few hours they have been doing the copulation scene for hours each day since. The wraping of tails and the every so often jerking of Ramses is rather something really neat to see in person. I wish I got pictures of the spur stimulation as well. I thought Ramses had some large spurs but when they are active you can really see there size and range of motion.
Well its been a few days and this scene happens every day and I hope nature takes its course and provides me a new generation of baby Columbian Redtail Boas from my big beauties Ramses and Cleopatra.
Crossing fingers and hoping this works out.
Thank you everyone for your time and interest in this post and my boas and there matting.