View Full Version : Whaooooo!! She's back.

10-04-03, 10:49 AM
Went out to the shop to feed one lady Bp who just finished shedding and Mommy came along to watch (she is becoming more and more entralled with the critters;)). As we went to leave she noticed a snakes tail hanging out of the toilet and thought what's wrong with this picture, guess she didn't like the fresh water I left out for her, LOL:D. She's been missing 2 weeks+ now and she eat the F/K mouse I left in her bin with her last nite. After the last few weeks around here, things is looking UP:)

Only thing I can't figure out is that this BP is only about 16" to 18" long, how did she get up into the toilet bowel:confused:, seems like quite a stretch.

Thanks for the help and suggestions from all offered them, they were much apprieciated.

beth wallbank
10-04-03, 11:00 AM
Heya Bruce! Glad that your little girl was found. They usually dont venture far from home.

10-04-03, 12:10 PM
Hey that's good news! Congrats Bruce! :)

10-04-03, 12:24 PM
Congrats on her safe return! :D

10-04-03, 12:27 PM
congrats on her safe return

10-04-03, 12:37 PM
I'm glad to hear that you found her, I know how exhasperating it is when one of your "kids" is AWOL. :)

10-04-03, 01:27 PM
Hey bruce, I'm really glad she's safe and sound. It's such a relief to find them in one piece, acting like nothing ever happened!

10-04-03, 09:16 PM
Congrats! I'm glad you found her!

10-06-03, 12:06 AM
That's great you found her safe and sound. Glad she didn't make it down the toilet! :eek: LOL... never underestimate snakes... they can get in to places you wouldn't think is possible! :p

10-06-03, 10:30 AM
I'm glad your snake is back! That would have made a great pic. A snake drinking out of the toilet. Make sure you remind you snake that it isn't a dog. :p
