View Full Version : Home depot lizard

10-03-03, 05:38 PM
Hey....havent been on here for a while but i just thaught id post a interesting story.
Jess' parents bought a bunch of plants from home depot, all tropical plants, and brought them to the famillies drycleaning buisness. Jess is now the manager or something like that, so she is there quite a bit. Anyways.... she was looking through the plants and found a small lizard. VERY small...fingertip size. It has grown little since then but i think it is a hatchling brown anole. As everyone knows these are not native to Victoria B.C., so i guess it must have hatched on the trip over here or something.
anyways....it wasnt as interesting of a story as i thaught it would be, its pretty facinating to us though. We'll have some pics as soon as it gets big enough that our camera will be able to see it.
later all....

10-03-03, 09:06 PM
there seems to be a lot of anoles shipped in tropical plants

Wuntu Menny
10-04-03, 08:58 AM
When I'm buying new plants, I usually look for the ones with hitch hiking fauna and get a 241 deal. I've had great luck finding Cuban tree frogs on hybiscus at the local garden store.


10-04-03, 12:49 PM
wow, lucky people! Must get to home depot and search through their tropical plants!!

10-04-03, 05:27 PM
wow, i would never even think about that. Cool..now next time im at home depot im diffiently visiting the garden section :)

10-05-03, 02:43 AM
I didn't think of that too. I guess I'll look carefully the next time I buy tropical plants from Home Depot. :D

10-05-03, 03:19 AM
There was a small lizard that came in a shipment of plants from FLA at work one day. I only caught a quick glance at it becasue it disappeared but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't an anole. I was thinking maybe it was a small house gecko. I searched and searched for it but it was better at hiding than I was at looking for it. For all I know it could still be living in the greenhouse somewhere.
Now if only there was a baby Florida kingsnake in one of the pots :D:D

Tim and Julie B
10-08-03, 06:05 PM
That is how I got my toad. It came in with a shipment of aquatic plants. I have found small lizards at Revy before.

10-08-03, 06:23 PM
Gotta love those stowaways