View Full Version : Fla.'s most impressive snake

07-30-02, 07:37 PM
http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=crimsonking&album_id=83666&image_id=43&param=96853 Everytime I see an Indigo this size I'm overwhelmed. Awesome, don't you think?

07-30-02, 09:29 PM
I know what you mean. A breeder friend of ours has two males and a female. His female is just the light of mine eye, I'm crazy about her. She is enormous and has the red under the bottom jaw and the largest male is a character, you should see him eat, what a voracious appetite!

Let's just say that every since I touched her, I've wanted one myself. Absolutely pristine, breathtaking creatures!


07-30-02, 10:05 PM
That's one killer-looking snake. Always wanted an Indigo, the absolute king of Colubrids!

07-30-02, 11:43 PM
I've been wanting one for months lol my wish list is so log

07-31-02, 09:36 AM
i dont think you'll be happy till you have 2 of every herp and arachnid on a wooden boat rev! ;) that snake is wicked :D

07-31-02, 03:18 PM
Many,many, moons ago,I actually bred them(before they were protected here in FL) and every once in a while I reminisce about those times.You could buy one for less than $50.! All were released back where original pair was caught.I was 9 or 10. Ah,,, for the good ole days!

07-31-02, 05:41 PM

07-31-02, 09:01 PM
I would consider indigos to be on the top of my list for the worlds most beatiful snake! The touch is amazing too!

NIce example right there Crimsonking


08-01-02, 04:38 AM

08-01-02, 12:34 PM
When i saw the title of your post the first snake I thought about was the Indigo snake. I hope to one day see one that big in the wild.

08-28-02, 03:19 PM
I don't much care for colubrids, but even I can't help but appreciate the indigo. They are awesome :)

09-02-02, 10:07 AM
I would have to agree Linds. I am not a huge colubrid fan(although I do have some myself), but that Indigo is definetly something. WOW!

09-04-02, 05:15 PM
i absolutely LOVE indigos, ABSOLUTELY LOVE, and i do have "indigo" very near the top of my wish list, but, i've got to say, i think that a 7 or 8 foot eastern diamondback is a little more of an impressive snake. i'm not trying to start an arguement here, but don't you agree?.......well, i was trying to attach a photo of me and a 7 foot eastern diamondback, but i don't know how to attach photos yet to these posts... hee hee, no, not ME and a eastern, how i wish, but a nice photo of someone with one!!! actually, the only rattlers i have ever held were, and i am not even sure, because i was not even too interested in snakes at the time, but there are only 2 species occuring in the area where i was, so looking back, they would have had to have been either prairie or midget faded rattlers(C.viridis viridis,C.viridis concolor), as it was in south western colorado... anyways,blah blah blah this isn't even the venomous forum!!! yeeesh! sorry everyone!!!

09-04-02, 08:07 PM
Indeed a large eastern diamondback is very,very impressive. I used to collect them when they were quite abundant around here. And yes I do share in the blame of their extirpation (at least around my "stompin' grounds) here.In fact the post office near my house was once Rattlesnake, FL.! However ,even after seeing hundreds, I've never measured one in excess of 7'. I think my record was 6'9". A friend had a standing offer of $1000. to anyone who brought him one over 7'. In all the years I knew him, he had no takers.Many,many stories,pics,and skins, but no live ones.There are a few snakes in FL. that exceed 6' (e.coachwhip, s. pine are others) but none are as heavy as the diamondback.You're right though,this isn't the hot forum.My longest and heaviest Drymarchon was just over 8'. A magnificent animal!Ate a big bullfrog out of my hand within 10 mins. of capture.

09-05-02, 06:09 PM
ya, 8 feet is pushin it, i guess, but i'm sure there have been a few, captured, or not, that have been!! indigos are indeed intense snakes, as i said, one of my favourites! they can reach what, 10 feet, in some cases? any indigo over even 5 feet that i have ever come across has been a spectacular animal!! impressive, even at intermediate sizes! i used to spend a lot of time in florida, and, as overcrowded as it is in some areas, i would love to live there for a while again! sarasota was nice! i had a great time there! but gainesville was i think the most fun! and the ocala area was great for herping! that was the place that inspired me to get interested in snakes and herps! anyways!!! bye!

10-01-02, 08:36 PM
i really like the indigos...can someone email me at mar2drake@hotmail.com on how much they cost?

10-02-02, 05:51 PM
I'm not sure about Canadian laws, but there are restrictions (depending in which state you live) here in the U.S. They are federally protected,but permits are available for captive bred individuals.The prices I've noticed are actually climbing on eastern indigos.Expect to pay $400.-$1000. U.S. for one!There are MUCH cheaper drymarchons (indigos, cribos) available. Yellow tails, Texas, C.Americans,etc. You may have better luck getting one you can afford. Here in Florida, possession of more than 1 (permits required) is not usually possible.DRAT!Rest assured that if it were feasable and possible, I would have enough to help you out! Robert Seib in California has some but he's high priced. There are others closer to you. Check indigo forums and classifieds on that other website that's out there.

10-03-02, 12:36 AM
First off, there are no regulations on indigos in Canada (Woopee!!) and then there aren't many breeders of them here too (Bummer!) But I do know of some people who may have babies in a year or two. Best bet is to bring in US bloodlines.


Paul McCleary
10-12-02, 01:17 AM
Yeah, I must concur that this region of Florida is fantastic for 'nature-nutting'!!!

10-13-02, 07:04 PM
My boyfriend is a big Indigo fan, and I'm pretty impressed by them myself. I'm always back and forth on whether I like the solid black or the black and red better......