09-30-03, 08:21 PM
Aight, I am doing a book report/project thingy for school. I was wondering if any of you know an awesome book that's about 200 - 500 pages, not more than 500 because I don't wanna read that much in a month, lol... too long! But it has to be 200 pages or more. My mom suggested a snake or reptile fiction book, but I don't think there is such a thing. Anything on dragons would be cool, too. For my first book report that I just finished I read The Eyes of the Dragon by: Stephen King. But that has nothing to do with dragons... my friend is a liar! LOL she told me it was about dragons... I was like "woohoo cool!" but it's not. Please give me some suggestions and the length of pages in the book. Thanks! You guys rock :D