View Full Version : BCC or BCI?? Big girl!!!

09-30-03, 06:57 PM
Here is a picture of Babe, the late great boa. I'm not sure of she's a BCC or BCI, but at death she was over 30 years, 15 or 16' long and 85lbs. Big girl!!!

Keep in mind, I'm holding her and I'm 6' tall.

09-30-03, 07:04 PM
She's a bigun for sure! Was she a classroom pet? You look like you are in a classroom.

Solid Snake
09-30-03, 08:29 PM
nice boa! wow 30 years, she must have had a nice life...

aah 16' u say? do u have pics that are scaled?

09-30-03, 08:52 PM
There is absolutely no way that snake is 15'... sorry. I'm just under 6' tall, and I have pics of me holding our 6.5' BCI which is not much smaller than the boa in this picture. Added to which, I have seen pictures of myself with Scales Zoo's 13 ft burm, Elvira, and she is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY bigger than the BCI in this picture. (I'll post the pic as soon as Sheila and Ryan send them to me, hint hint :) ) Additionally, I have been around our BCI's momma who is 11 feet... and her girth was about as wide as my head and her head was bigger than my hand. I'd give this boa MAYBE 9 feet. If you have another picture that better shows the scale, by all means share it, but as of this picture, I am not convinced.

09-30-03, 09:38 PM

09-30-03, 09:51 PM
looks like about a 7' 35# Bci, I'm your height and my 8' 50# is noticibly larger and about as thick as my thigh.

09-30-03, 10:12 PM
I'd say BCI here. Why? Because the head doesn't look sharp enough. Buuuuut I'll never really know. It does have some "Guyana-ish" looks though. How about a pic of the tail?!

Invictus, I agree that that snake couldn't be 15' long in the pic. BUT she did state that at the time the snake died it was 15-16' long. Eeee maybe that pic was shot years before the snake died.

AnniesMom, any thoughts?

09-30-03, 10:12 PM
Definitely a BCI......glad to hear it had a nice long life (no pun intended, lol).

10-01-03, 10:27 AM
I think there is a pic of my father, sister and brother in law holding her. The estimate of 15-16 feet is what my mom said she was at death, but that is probably not accurate. She (my mom) hadn't measured Babe in a number of years, and was unable to hold her anymore because of her size.

Jared: I'm in my son's kindergarten classroom in this pic. I took her to the school as an education supplement for the kids. I did 5 classes in 2.5 hours of carrying her like this! Very tired afterwards! Kids love it tho. I plan on taking my new kids into the classes this year. The guy I buy my rats from is a teacher in Victoria BC and he takes his snakes into classes all over the city and asked me if I would be interested in his program. He also breeds bull snakes for re-introduction into the wild. If anyone in Victoria wants inexpensive rats, he charges $2 per adult. nice guy.

02-05-04, 06:59 PM
8 and and a half (my guess)

reptile boi
02-05-04, 07:19 PM
15-16ft and only 85lbs? Little rays reptiles has an 11ft 100lbs boa here in ottawa! Also, i have seen a pic of a 14' BCI and its head was at least 2-3 times larger than the head of that one in the pic.


02-06-04, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by reptile boi
15-16ft and only 85lbs? Little rays reptiles has an 11ft 100lbs boa here in ottawa!


I'd love to see pics of that reptile boi, if that snake is really 100 pounds then it is morbidly obese.

I think you are either mistaken or being mislead.

reptile boi
02-10-04, 05:24 PM
well, that was what the dude working their told me :confused: oh and the boa was a little wider than a softball :)


02-18-04, 01:55 AM
Just a quick word for whomever made the profoundly intelligent remark that the BCI pictured resembles a Guyanan BCC. I have a suggestion. Buy a book, check into a website, go to an expo (actually, do your best to avoid one). Either way, that snake looks as much like a Guyana as a rotifer looks like a chimp.

02-18-04, 02:19 AM
Am I the only one who noticed that this thread is almost 5 months old? I think its safe to say the debate on this is long over.