View Full Version : Red River Gorge Trip Results

09-29-03, 11:50 PM
Saturday I went herping down at Red River Gorge in eastern Kentucky. It was rainy until early afternoon, and the temps were in the mid to upper 60's, so I wasnt really expecting to find a whole lot. But heres some of what I did find.
<BR>The pics were taken with my camcorders camera mode, so they arent the best of quality.
<BR><BR>The first find of the day.
<IMG SRC=../photopost/data/500/1414ringneck.jpg>
Then I found these two under the same rock.
<IMG SRC=../photopost/data/500/1414twosnakes.jpg>
<BR><BR>I got lucky when I found this snake. I also found a DOR earlier in the morning.
<IMG SRC=../photopost/data/500/1414copperpavement.jpg>
<BR><BR>After I pinned him for the pic, I noticed the rock in his mouth, which I immediately removed with a small stick. He kept trying to poke me with that fang, but he didnt even get close.
<IMG width="400" height="300" SRC=../photopost/data/500/1414copperpin-med.jpg>
This was an extremely red copperhead. Ya cant really tell in the pic, but I have never seen one this red. Maybe its because he is from Red River Gorge. Haha! Ok, not funny...
<IMG SRC=../photopost/data/500/1414red.jpg>
<br>After taking pics and some video of him for nearly half an hour, this guy was mad and ready to go back to the woods. Which I let him do.
<IMG SRC=../photopost/data/500/1414coppercrawl.jpg>
<BR>Here's a pic of Red River Gorge.
<IMG SRC=../photopost/data/500/1414Scenery.jpg>
<BR>As far as RRG, you guys should go if you ever get a chance. The scenery is awesome and so is the herping. There's miles and miles of trails if ya like hiking, and the fishing is good too from what I hear.

09-30-03, 12:01 AM
Holy, what awesome pictures man!! Must have been a great outting!! :D

10-01-03, 05:55 PM
Looks like a beautiful place. Nice herping trip! :)

10-01-03, 07:05 PM
Those were some real nice finds! Looks like a pretty great place too :)

10-02-03, 09:58 AM
I was herping in the RRG last summer/fall and never caught a copperhead....tons on non-ven though

nice work!!

10-02-03, 10:02 AM
awesome finds!

Retic chic
10-02-03, 10:12 AM
Looks like a lovely spot for herping, and wildlife in general. How many species of snake are native to the area?

10-02-03, 01:05 PM
Retic Chic, going by the websites Ive looked at, around 20 or so. Give or take a couple.

Matt, according to the local herpers, this place is absolutely jam-packed with copperheads. I'm surprised you didnt find any. I found that one without even looking.

10-02-03, 04:51 PM
Looks like you had fun. Awesome pics, and that was great of you to remove the rock from the snake's mouth. :)

10-04-03, 08:00 AM
ya, i was told that too....so i was incredibly disappointed when we found no coppers!!! i did find a number of timbers though

i think it was the time of year i went....getting cooler and less action!

great snake though!

10-06-03, 02:37 AM
You found timbers in RRG? Man, I wish I would have seen one. I heard that they are hard to come by in that area. Do you remember what part of the park you found them in? I wouldnt want specifics on an open forum like this, but I would absolutely love to find one the next time I go down.