View Full Version : screening

09-29-03, 05:11 PM
Im having alot of trouble finding the right screen. and is aluminum screen okay? or will it hurt its feet... Ive looked everywhere for plastic coated hardware cloth but i cant find it! i can only find the metal stuff! is this okay? and if not, any suggestions..THAT ARE CRICKET PROOF?

Is anyone else going to the oliver reptile show? Is somone going to be there with panthers?


09-29-03, 05:59 PM
hmm .. i wouldnt personally go with metal screening because there is a huge risk with cutting off toes (i know it sounds gresome) ... there is a screen in the home depot (at least where i live) called repti-screen (or something like that) that is perfect for chameleons cages. it comes in different sizes, and is in fact cricket proof.

now if you cant find that, i suggest buying the metal screen, and then putting one 3 or more coats of a laytex plastic paint. the paint will act the same as if you were to find the plastic screening. my friend did the same, and he noticed that three layers covereds it sufficiently, and still allows plenty of veiwing for your cham.

if you cant do this, and you arent set on building your cage, i would suggest a reptarium. they are a nylon mesh, and you can buy them fairly larger (6 feet high if you wish). they are made so that they do not melt, like some of the screening will, and they are not TOO expensive. They are also a lot easier to construct then building your own (for peopel like me that are no good with tools), and they are, for the most part, fairly cricket proof. I had one for 3 years, and there were only a few cricket holes, which were easily fixed with duct tape. on the flip, i have had one now for 2 months, and there are no holes, no poblems, and i am thrilled i bought it.

those would be my suggestions to you ...

good luck, and post pics when you finally get your little guy


09-29-03, 07:51 PM
hmmm i got my mesh stuff, from walmart and its working great, there is no problems....its plastic, and crikets hasnt been bitting on it so its all good. i use the mesh sutff that is out your window, and it only costed me like 10-20 for a good size

09-29-03, 08:03 PM
I use galvanized steel mesh that has a square pattern. The squares are about 1/2 cm x 1/2 cm, and crickets can easily get through that. BUT, to combat the crix escaping, and going with the fact that you cham will spend 90% of its time in the top 2/3rds of the enclosure, I put additional screen mesh for screen windows/doors on the lower 1/3rd.
If you do this, do not put the sticks or anything the crickets can walk up to the top 2/3rd. Make use of the fact that your cham has a long tongue!
I haven't had a problem with noses or toes on the wire. No sharp ends are near where their feet can get. And it is galvanized so it dosen't rust with all the misting I do.

09-29-03, 08:11 PM
its not the metal wire that is an issue .. it is the metal that is like window mesh .. the top of aquarium mesh that is danergous ...

Wuntu Menny
09-29-03, 08:26 PM
I use nylon mesh for all my cham cages. Its coarse open mesh that allows plenty of light through, its completely free of burrs and sharp edges, and very heat resistant. The openings are about 3/8" square so its not cricket proof, but I dish feed the crew around here.

I can't recall the name of it, but the only place I've found it is in the hardware cloth section at Home Despot. Call me paranoid but I've never liked the idea of mixing electricty, water, and metallic caging material.


09-29-03, 08:29 PM
very good point WM ... thats was my dads reason for getting me my second reptarium
i personally prefer the reptariums because the one major advantage over screening is it provides you with a good view, while also repecting your chams privacy ... that you should take into account, a cham that feels safe is better that one that runs when you enter the room ...


Wuntu Menny
09-29-03, 09:46 PM
I still don't like Reptariums or any other finely woven mesh. I found out the hard way with my first chameleon when his claws started breaking off in the screen I used on part of his cage.


09-30-03, 09:15 AM
Not sure if this has been brought up here or not, but what does everyone do about overspray and excess water?

09-30-03, 02:09 PM
well i dont spray from out side the tank, i open the cage and then spray, my dripper, would drip water on the plants soil so its all good

Wuntu Menny
09-30-03, 05:51 PM
I put a panel of rigid plastic on one side of the cage to prevent overspray hitting the wall.