View Full Version : New to the feeding game

09-29-03, 11:41 AM
I've been trying to research a good company to buy frozen mice/rats from and was wondering where everyone here has ordered from in the past?

Also, how do I know what types to buy for starting out with a baby boa?? Say I have one that's only a few months old, which should I buy: Pink, Large Pink, Fuzzy, or Hopper ????

I've never really seen mice up close, so I don't know how to judge whether or not they are too big to feed a baby snake.



09-29-03, 11:53 AM
I would recommend www.rodentpro.com I've never done any business but I have heard good things. Hope this helps and I hope I haven't broken any forum rules, if I have I'm sorry.

Also my boa (about same age) ate an adult mouse during an escape peiod. Then I fed it some small adults I just fed her a rat pup today. Won't be looking back now.

09-29-03, 12:01 PM
I use rodentpro as well, just recieved a $400 shipment from them. A 'few' month old boa should probably be eating jumbo mice or small rats by now, this is IF it is a common boa. If it is a Bcc instead then probably hoppers or juvi's due to regurge syndrome. Lol, my baby corns are under 90 days of age still and have been eating hoppers for a month.

09-29-03, 05:47 PM
just match up the size of the rodent to the thickest part of the snake. the rodent should be the same or a little bit larger

09-29-03, 09:39 PM
And that's three for RodentPro, even though those %$#&$%won't accept Canadian orders.

09-30-03, 11:27 AM
i use them too, i love it, and my snakes do too